Chapter 11

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Katie's POV Dinner Time

We all packed in the living room on the couches and chairs with burgers in our hands.

"Thea pass the ketchup will ya?" I asked reaching up my hand.

She tossed the bottle of ketchup and I squirted it all over my fries. When I was done I set it down and Barry grabbed my wrist.

"They said you had scars but oh my God! What happened out there?" He asked.

Everyone leaned in to look at the long scar on my forearm except for Oliver.

"Same thing that happened to him." I gestured to Oliver who was sitting across from me. "We weren't alone."

"The only people out there are ARGUS prisoners and the guards." Felicity pointed out. "How could there be other people on the island?"

I glanced at Oliver nervously and he nodded.

"As you all know Slade Wilson was a prisoner there. Well now he's not." Silence. Jaws dropped. "He escaped and found me. Tortured me. So I killed him."

More silence.

I grabbed my burger and fries as I got up from the couch, "I'm going downstairs."

I snagged my bow and quiver under my arms and typed the password with my nose. I ran down the stairs and sat down to finish my burger. Once I finished I grabbed my bow and slung my quiver over my shoulder. I tossed a bunch of tennis balls in the air.

I fired an arrow hitting the ball at the cement wall.


And another.

And so on.

I lowered my bow and smiled.

I heard Felicity come down the stairs.

I could tell it was her because of the click of her heels on the metal staircase.

"I...uh...came down to see if there was any activity in Central City." She said nervously.

I turned my head a little towards her, "Thanks..."

She sat down at the computer and started typing on the keyboard.

"Armored truck being robbed. Somewhere by Olive Garden. The truck is on route to the hospital." Felicity said.

I put on my suit and went out the back entrance. Max followed me obviously sniffed me out. I got on my bike and took off towards the city.

I found the truck stopped in the middle of a quiet road. Well, except for the gunshots.

"There's no one to stop us!" One of the men in black suits and gas masks yelled.

I shot that man in the leg and Max attacked another. I fired more arrows at the men, either in the leg or the side. I rushed over to a guard who was down but still breathing.

"Are you alright? Can you drive?! You got to make that delivery!" I said leaning over him.

The man slowly sat up clutching his arm, "I can drive...nice to have you back!"

"Good! Now make it fast! I'll be right behind you watching your back! And thanks!" I helped him into the delivery truck and got on my bike.

I followed the truck all the way to the hospital and sped past him waving while I went by.

"Rescue successful Felicity. On my way back."

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