A strong shoulder to climb on

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Its been three days since that horrific incident infront of the collage. During this time Sam has been taking a permenant residence in my life. And I just couldn't take it anymore! He is poping up in each and every place I go to with his harley he looks... Smoking!

He wears a black leather jacket and those magnificent black leathery pants that hugs him so tight it makes him look.. OH MY GOD! His new profound shape keeps haunting me wherever I go I just can't think straight! Why did I ever distroy his car? Whyyy?

Getting lost in my never ending thougts about Sam, I just only realised that I was being followed by a huge shadow all the way from collage. Taking a small peak behind, I saw two men and they weren't huge. They were ginormous!

My heart strarted to hammer in my chest, my mind went to dangerous places and my flight response kicked in .
I quickened my pace but this massive shadow kept up with me so I decided that I don't want to be fried for dinner today and started running for my life.

As I ran and ran as quick as my legs could take me I ran to the safety of my house, the shadow still enveloped me so I ran faster and took a sharp turn to enter the building from the garage area as there are no stairs, that slower you there ,and I could hide behind any car till they think I fled. Glancing back hoping not to see them behind me I crashed into a huge wall. My cat instincts took over and I found myself trying my best to climb this wall.

Realisation hit me when I realised that this wall was muscular! This wall had big strong biceps that flexed underneath my fingers as I gripped them to help me climb, also this wall had a rippled six pack with a thick neck. This wall was shirtless, all I could see was this smooth yet taught tanned skin. I looked up to see a pair of sparkling greyish-green eyes staring at me full of amusment.

Suddenly , all I could feel was the heat that spread accross my face and cheeks down my neck.I WAS ACCTUALLY CLIMBING SAM!

As I slid down his body I got lost in his overwhelming awesome smell. He smelled wild and woody , he smelled muscluline. I couldn't help but get dizzy words died on my mouth, I want to say them but they never came out.

Few more seconds passed and I finally found my lost tounge and stuttered breathlessly "They.. They..They are following me"

He looked up and frowned then his eyesight fell back to me . I gave him a pleading look .

He moved me behind him and went to face the storm. For a second my heart stopped at the sight of Sam facing those massive guys. One thought came to my mind .. We are definately going to the hospital.

I hid behind an actual pillar and watched with my phone in my hand ready to call the ambulance at any second. But to my sheer surprise Sam was acctually beating their as*es. They both were curled up on their sides on the ground by the time he returned back to me.

He strolled fluidly towards me, with his gaze fixed on me. His intense gaze made me feel as if I was being eaten alive. He finally reached me, he was so close that our toes were inches from touching.

"I would say thanks but you are a man and that's what you do" I said nervously.

He chuckled softly and said "Didn't know you were such a kitten"

I was taken by his statment. I never believed when people said that a person can shift from concern to sarcasm in a matter of seconds, well, Sam proved everyone wrong he can shift in a split of second.

"Do you always run around shirtless?" I asked clearly looking unconfortable from his semi nakedness.

He raised his eyebrows at me and replied in amusment " A body like mine would hate not to be showed. It's simply that awesome! And after all you're a doctor you should get used to naked men"

"I'm not uncomfortable. No! I am just disgusted by your slick skin that is full of different shades of dirt and what is that" I asked pointing at his neck " is that soot?"

"No thanks to what you did to my baby, I had to spend the day fixing it" annoy flashed in his eyes.

"Well,what shall I say I am that awesome!"
He snorted

"Now! Will you tell me why was I followed by two psyco paths?"

"They are Linda's brother's" that was his only reply. And I understood it all.

I turned to leave him when he extended his strong arms and caught me from the elbow and pulled me. I slammed into his chest with a thud. My response kicked in and I pulled back quickly when the horrible happened and I tripped on my leg and fell on my butt on the hard floor.

He came down over me lying there on the ground as if he was going to do push ups and said in a low husky voice " You smell like amber and oud. You are not supposed to smell that good, you don't put perfumes"

Suddenly I snapped and my blood started to boil, " For your infornation we smell the best, I take baths two times daily with the best shower gels, I apply the best body butters and body lotions, but you were right on one thing I do not put perfumes on my clothes immediately before I leave ,but I put perfume on.." And I trailed off with my face burning with redness. What will I tell him that I sprayed perfume on my bra and panties so that I feel that I smell good. It was such an embarassment.

I shoved him aside and bursted out " I need to leave ! You smell sweaty"

Chuckling he laid down on the floor with his arms behind his head he replied " My smell will keep haunting your dreams"

And it already did haunt me!

So.. what do u guys think?
And did u see mecca live?  Isn't it simply amazing ? I wish I would have been there but unfortunately for me I travelled :(

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