This game is....ON!

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Hello people hope u like my draft I know it's not perfect but as u all know no one is perfect so...

Please give me a chance ! And tell me ur oppinions :)

Chapter1 (Sam's POV)
STOP! STOP! my mind was urging me to stop staring at her, but it seems that my heart and my eyes have a mind of their own.
Standing infront of me in my favorite coffeshop was one of them! And OH MY GOD ! She is smiling, how dare she smiles infront of me looking very happy infront of me, it just makes me feel sick . Those jet black jewels in her eyes are twinkiling as she is giggling with one of her co-workers , Why? Why is she here ? Her damn scarf keeps haunting me and makes me recall unwanted dreams! I just want them all dead!

Don't get me wrong I dont hate all muslims or anything .... just all the arabs you see they remind me of Him , so I developed a kind of hatred against them!
Well many of you might ask who is "HIM" , well to answer you he was my best friend more like a brother , being an orphaned child Danny and his family adopted me since I was 10 and from that time I got saved from social sevices and temporary housing ... they treated me like their own sent me to magnificent schools I waould have never dreamed of going , gave me love that made my heart light up again after my parents loss .

"Sammy ,Sammy,Sammy .. Damit" I could hear my friends cursing and making fun of me yet I cant stop the anger or those unwanted feeling from overtaking me its as if their voice is fading to the background and the only thing that haunts my mind is her and what she stands for.

After effortless struggle with my inner self I came to a certain conclusion .. THIS WOMAN'S LIFE IS GOING TO BE HELL, ITS EITHER ME OR HER IN THIS PLACE!

(Aya's POV)
"Ya Allah! Can't he stop staring! I can't concentrate with him boring holes through me like that!" My inner self exclaimed .
Fine I get it being a covered up muslim isn't great for him but can't he just stop , clearly the fact of lowering the gaze isn't practiced here at all!
"Well you idiot wanted to fulfill your dreams so there you go enjoy!" My brain exclaimed.but no I will not let this small incident pull me away from my dream not this one person.

As I came to a conclusion with my self about my future I saw that guy getting up and is stroding towards me like a man on a mission. Immediately I lowered my gaze and got busy with arranging the spices at the refreshments table.
With each step towards me I kept praying "Ya Allah let him pass by" I shut my eyes and tried to steady my breath till I felt a tapping on my sholder. HOW DARE HE DO THIS !
I spun on my heel to face him with all my anger I tried my best to glare at him and not to run away like a scared puppy.
"Hey you get me a round of tequilas for me and my friends there" he demanded rudely ..
IS HE BLIND!!!! I'm a freaking muslima I can't serve or even touch wine, if my huge veil don't convey it to him well I better use words ..
"I am sorry sir but I can't get it for you ... umm can you please go ask another waiter" trying to speak as calmly and as respectfully as possible I replied.
"ARE YOU FU**ING KIDDING ME ! I asked you, you muslim to get me my tequila" he exclaimed angrily
Then he knows! Forcing my anger to subside and lowering my gase to the floor I replied "I CANNOT!" firmly
"WHEN I AM SPEAKING TO YOU YOU LOOK AT ME !.... WHAT THE HELL!" he exclaimed angrily as I pushed his hand away from my chin.
"Listen you loony ! I guess by now you know I am a muslima and you should have guessed it at any time from the past hour and didnt come to ask me about your wine but let me tell you once more go find someone else to serve you cuz I'm not going to and if you dare touch me one more time you will NOT like what will come after it !" I charged at him and turned to leave when suddenly he caught my arm and jerked me towards him and I stumbled
"Didn't your precious god teach you not to upset big men" he smirked. THAT'S IT!
I forced my hand out of his grip and gave him a hard punch to his chest "DONT YOU DARE SPEAK ABOUT MY ALLAH!"
"Aww soo sweet , well I'm nt leaving till you get fired " he stated and then screamed on the top of his voice "WHERE THE HELL IS THE MANAGER OF THIS SH**** PLACE"
Out of no where a tall broad man stood beside me facing that guy so I stepped aside to maintain a distance and then that man started speaking " Listen I saw what happened so you better leave this building on you legs and never come back or you could get escorted to the nearest police station with my guards"
"Are you standing against me for her, well I'm not leaving I want to see you make me leave!"
Out of the blue two huge men pounced on him.
"IM NOT GOING ANYWHERE YOU MUSLIM ! YOU THINK YOU ARE SAFE ! YOU'VE JUST STRATED A WAR AND ... I AM A DAMN GOOD WARRIOR" with that the two huge men dragged him outside the coffeshop.
My heart hammering in my chest ... what did I do , talk about keeping a low profile ,I just strated a "war".

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