In Danger of Extinction

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Tracey opens her eyes and frowns at the face hovering above hers. A man in a white doctor's robe touches her face, turning it from left to right and back again.

"Your ears have finally returned to normal. Everything seems to be fine...for now."

"What are you talking about?!" She struggles to release her arms and legs from the metallic straps pinning her to the cold, uncomfortable metal table. "Where am I?"

The man looks at her for a few seconds before backing up. "My name is Ian McCarl. I am a Scientist and I work for the..." He clears his throat "I work with plants and animals."

"Okay, but why am I here? And where exactly is here?"

Ian opens his mouth to reply and the door opens, silencing him. A man in a Stetson hat and cowboy boots walks in the room, slowly as if he's against the very idea of speed. He stops two feet from the table and withdraws his pistol.

"Wait! She's human again! Can't you see? Trust me." Ian yells

"Tracey releases her breath as the threat of danger slowly slips away.

"I trust you about as much as I'd trust a thief." He reaches in the right pocket of his jeans for his cigarette box. It's not there so he places the gun on a nearby table and pats down all of his pockets. "Damn, I'm out!"

Ian shakes his head in exasperation. "Can you leave, Rebel? I need to examine my patient."

Rebel snorts in amused disbelief "Calling that thing a patient implies that it's human and we both know it isn't." He turns and walks out just as slowly as he came in.

Ian focuses his attention on Tracey. "How are you feeling? I gave you a heavy dose of some wolfsbane and enough Zyrtec to put a giant to sleep."

Tracey doesn't answer as her eyes close of their own volition. As she drifts off into sleep Ian exits.

Her eyes flicker rapidly as she dreams. In the dream her mother is laughing as she stirs the cake batter. Her smile matches Tracey's. Tracey is buttering the cake pan and putting flour on the edges of the pan.

Everything seems perfect for about 7 seconds and then her dream becomes a nightmare.


Her mother howls as she begins to transform. The bowl clatters to the floor as her nails grow uncontrollably and her hands puff up. Tracey screams and drops the pan, racing from the kitchen.

Her mother's slightly altered voice echoes from the kitchen throughout the entire downstairs. "I'm coming, Tracey! You can't run or hide from me." Evil laughter reverbrates throughout the house.

The hair stands at attention on the back of Tracey's neck. The house is so cold suddenly. It's like the temperature suddenly dropped to Winter status. Tracey rubs her bare arms to warm them up as her fear increases. Clouds of water vapor escape from her mouth as she breathes in and out rapidly. 

The kitchen door suddenly slams shut and Tracey runs in the opposite direction. She stops mid-run as something emerges from the shadow-filled section of the hallway directly in front of her.

Behind her something howls. Tracey is too frightened to turn around, but she can feel the warm breath of another werewolf. She screams as they both pounce.

Tracey screams and jolts awake, her heart beating rapidly. She wakes up from one nightmare into another. Directly in front of her face, about 1 foot away is a shotgun. The man holding it has a Stetson shielding part of his face and a lit cigarette dangling from his lips.

"Don't get any ideas. Don't move a muscle." He snarls at her. "Those idiots may trust you but I sure as hell don't!"

Tracey wonders who he is and if this is a nightmare. She yanks at the straps keeping her bound to the table. They don't break. The shotgun is suddenly pressed against her right temple.

Nope. This is not a nightmare at all. She realizes too late as the cold metal of the gun is pressed deep into her temple. It is definitely going to leave a bruise on her fair skin. She swallows hard and tries to negotiate with the man.

"Please sir. I am hungry and I-"

Before she can finish her sentence he snarls "I bet you are, but we're not on the menu!"

Tracey tries again "Can I have some water?"

He spits out his cigarette and grinds it into the floor. His eyes and the gun  never leave Tracey.

"I oughta just kill ya right now? While no one is watching. I could end it. Say you attacked me. Who would know?"

The door closes with a loud thump, temporarily startling both the man and Tracey.

Another man walks in. Tracey recognizes him from earlier. Ian... Something. Her mind is still fuzzy from lack of food and the heavy dose of medicine that is slowly wearing off.

"I would know. Can you stop trying to kill for five seconds?! Is that possible, Rebel?" Ian asks. His brows drawn low in anger. He moves the gun away from Tracey. 

Oh. So his name is Rebel. Fitting name for someone like him. I wonder what exactly he is rebelling against. Tracey muses as she looks back and forth as the two men argue. Finally Rebel gets up and leaves the room.

Human: The Story of the Beastحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن