Chapter 6: Midnight Awakening

Start from the beginning

"Stand down, Blazefang!" the dust-colored guard snarled. He turned back to the queen and ushered a smile of apology. "I beg forgiveness, your majesty. It's his first day on the job, and-"

"-It matters not to me," Sparkspyre interrupted. "I would tell you if I had such knowledge."

"Why aren't you scared?" Blazefang wondered up at her with large eyes.

"I'm from a long line of royalty, soldier," she purred back, "trained by fighters resembling gods. I have nothing to fear but the lives of my subjects."

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. It bounced around the grey walls of the solemn room. The guards at the door jumped with surprise and spread their wings, baring giant white canines. The knock sounded again, this time more urgently. It rattled the frame of the large oak gate.

"An intruder would not make themselves known in such a way, soldiers," Sparkspyre stated factually from her throne. "Let the visitor in." 

The dust-colored soldier exchanged a glance with the younger FireClaw called Blazefang and slid his claw to the gently carved golden latch holding the doors together. Like clockwork, he flicked it upwards and watched as the lock unhinged, allowing the gate to swing open in the wind.

Standing in the empty archway was a dragoness older than life itself. Her frail form resembled a tumbling ball of ash, ready to crumble at any moment. In her shivering claws she carried a long staff of gold and silver. At the tip, an astonishing red jewel sat comfortably between prongs of dragon teeth. Its lustrous glow entered the room and cast an eerie crimson upon the trio. The guards had to hold back gasps of awe. They had never seen such a massive diamond before. Dragons by nature were drawn to treasure. This ruby had put them in a trance. 

"Petty FireClaws," the queen reprimanded. "Not even able to control themselves around a decently sized gem. Do come in, soothsayer."

The ancient dragoness at the doorway nodded her aged muzzle and clacked into the room, using her staff as a feeling tool. She could not help but to let out a 'coo' of appreciation as her cracking paws met the soft fabric of the red carpeting. 

"I observe a change of scenery, is that right?" the soothsayer asked, flicking her blind misty eyes up at the queen. Sparkspyre smiled with satisfaction and clapped her talons together.

"Why yes, I ordered a new shipment of carpeting just the other day! Doesn't it feel wonderful? It's as if you're walking on air."

"Agreed," the old FireClaw lulled. She came to a stop at the base of the queen's throne. She did not bow, like most others would. 

"Tonight's been regretfully difficult," the queen sighed. "There's a strange intruder out there who just killed my scout. I'm sure the kingdom has taken shelter, but my spotting team has not returned. I'm not about to fly out there in this storm."

As if on cue, a crack of thunder rumbled across the blackened sky. The torches in the room flickered.

"I'm certain this is the same creature who stole that poor dragoness's egg! Who else would be stupid enough to break my rules?" Sparkspyre asked.

"Not a soul in this kingdom, your royalness," the soothsayer replied, bored. "I have not come here to chat with you. I've got terrible news."

"Well, that's just wonderful," the queen snarled. "Haven't you any good news? Perhaps those white lotus flowers are blooming in my garden again! Oh, I'd be overjoyed if they were."

"Could you focus?" the old dragoness grumbled loudly.

The rose-colored queen sighed. "Yes, fine. Do tell me this terrible news."

The old soothsayer narrowed her sightless eyes and rose her staff above her head. The ruby at its tip flashed as if it were alive. Suddenly, the room was baked in a blanket of absolute red. The queen's eyes widened. Her curtains were gone, along with her carpets, her guards, and everything else that had only been there a moment ago. Nothing remained but a terrain of glowing vermilion. She whipped around and glared at the old dragoness.

"What is this, some kind of sorcery?" she seethed, raising to her paws. "Bring back my treasures at once!"

"Your treasures aren't gone, you ninny," the soothsayer nagged. "This is merely a cleansing aura. You cannot see past what your eyes are telling you you're seeing. Blinder than I, you are!"

The queen's ruff flared before she sat down once more, grumbling to herself. 

"Do me a favor, and don't freak out," the aged FireClaw murmured. 

The ruby-colored space contorted oddly as the soothsayer raised her staff. She waved the gem at the air. Suddenly, much like a dark cloud of mosquitoes, a strange black figure manifested itself in the center of the room. It was like a stain amidst the pure fabric of the crimson mist. 

Sparkspyre watched closely, her ears perked curiously, as the figure began to take shape. A pair of bizarre webbed wings extended from the silhouette, followed by a lashing black tail and a pair of sinister glowing red eyes. It looked like a dragon surrounded by a cloud of smoke.

"The FireClaw kingdom is in terrible danger," the soothsayer said. "These strange creatures are not like us. They live in darkness and bathe in sin. They defy the very will of our ancestors."

A plume of green fire emerged from the shadowy jaws of the mirage in front of them. Sparkspyre clutched her chest with shock.

"FireClaws are no longer the only species to summon flames. This ungodly color says it all. Your majesty, I have been given a prophecy unlike anything you've ever seen."

The queen jumped as another crack of thunder ripped through the clouds.

"No longer than a moon from now, every kingdom will be in danger. The EarthClaws, the WaterClaws, the WindClaws, and the ShadowClaws will fall prey to what is coming. Even we, surrounded and protected by shielding mountains, will not be safe."

Sparkspyre's violet eyes were still locked on the strange shadowy image in front of her. Every nerve in her body was alight with fear and uncertainty.

"What is this prophecy, soothsayer..?" she asked softly, as if keeping a secret.

The black mirage dragon turned its crazed red gaze on the queen. Suddenly, it began to grow. Its long wings extended and basked the soothing crimson aura in a cloak of darkness. The queen squeaked and tried to squirm away from the growing cloud of shadows to no avail. She was consumed by a thick blanket of nothingness. She couldn't breathe. Even those haunting red eyes were gone.

"The whole world will perish beneath black blood. Our only hope is the five."

On Destiny's Wings: A Journey of Embers (UNDERGOING REVISIONS)Where stories live. Discover now