Chad gave up his massive bed for me to sleep in, but I couldn't fall asleep. I looked around the empty room, dark except the thin strips of yellow light gliding under the door and a thin ribbon or two of silver light that played a game of peek-a-boo between the swaying curtains. I was in there alone while He and Andrey took turns sleeping and playing watchdog.

Mama hadn't shown up and Andrey wouldn't answer any of my questions. He had told me to trust him, and I wanted to. I wanted to believe that he had the power to end this, but deep down I knew. It was just a matter of time before Ivanna caught up with us. Maybe she was having dinner at that moment,not even worried about us running. That woman was almost scarier than Ivaylo.

I had put so many people in danger. Andrey had a plan, but was it a good plan? I didn't think so. Somewhere we had messed up.

And they were going to find us.

Or they were going to use our mothers for ransom.

We had fucked up.

The truth was that Andrey wasn't my knight and shining armor.

He didn't have the power to save me.


Pessimism was something that I had learned to treat as a sibling of mine during the years. It was my brother. He had been born to my mother right as we were captured and she had nurtured him; she had taught me to take care of my little brother.

The next morning, I stumbled into the living room with my hand wrapped tightly around Pessimism's small palm.

Andrey looked up from where he sat on a stool near the bar, roughly rubbed his eyes and sleepily asked "Why so glum?"

"Well," I looked around the slightly messy living room and began my monotonous tirade "I'm an eighteen year old modern day slave-wolf. I'm pretty sure I am example of sex-trafficking. I'm two months pregnant and I hate myself. I've never been able to have a normal life because I happen to have this wolf gene. My dad is dead. My mother is weak. And I'm on the run from a man and woman who will eventually find and possibly kill me. I don't have any clean clothes to take a shower and I don't have a toothbrush to brush my teeth. But that's not very glum, is it?"

Chad rolled over to the side from where he had previously lain sleeping out the couch, "Looks like you slept well."

My stomach grumbled. I plopped down on the floor a few feet away from the bar table, almost at the foot of Andrey's chair, and huffed "Oh, bite me...after you feed me."

"Milady, I doth not possesseth the skills required to cook."

"So you're a typical man then?"

"Pretty much."

I laughed and he joined in. The dark feeling in my chest lifted and for a moment I felt normal. This was normal, being surrounded by friends and laughing at corny things.

Why couldn't life be that way for me completely?

Soft, pudgy flesh caressed my bare arm. I looked down at Andrey's big foot and wrinkled my nose, "Is that toe jam I smell?"

A hearty laugh and an aggravated form of the previous caress was his answer, "It might be. I haven't washed my feet in days."

"Not funny bro. Next, you'll say something like 'I haven't washed my ass either'" Chad struggled to pull himself upright into a sitting position.

The Alpha's LoverWhere stories live. Discover now