clrs; 9

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They had decided to dye their hair at the same time. They went to the salon, since Hayley wanted to bleach her hair, then they went over Ashley's apartment to dye their hair. Since Hayley wanted to dye her hair silver, the dye didn't need to sit in her hair for so long, Ashley on the other hand, wanted to try to have red hair.

When Ashley returned from washing the dye form her hair, she had a frown on her face.

"Wow, that's an amazing shade of red," Hayley teased, laughing afterwards. "But it does have a hint of violet... By a hint I mean it's fucking lilac."

"You said I gave to leave it on for 15 minutes."

"No I said 50."

"Well, whatever... It still kind of looks nice."


"Maybe it doesn't look as bad when I blowdry it," Hayley said, in hopes that her hair didn't turn out to be an ugly shade of grey.

After she had blowdried it, it still remained with the ugly grey colour.

"Hey grandma!" Ashley teased, making Hayley groan.

"Who's laughing now, bitch!" Ashley laughed, she was laughing so hard, that she had to clutch her stomach.

"I don't get it... It was supposed to be a light shade of silver."

"Yeah, you left it on for too long."

"But it said an hour."

Ashley took the box and looked at the instructions. "No... It says half an hour."

"Well, the damage is done."

"You have grey hair," Ashley giggled, she was laughing so hard, she had to clutch her stomach.

"And you have lilac!"

"Yeah, but it still looks good."

Hayley then sighed in defeat, putting her head down.

After they had cleaned up the mess they made in Ashley's bathroom, Hayley suggested to Ashley to continue writing the song, but Ashley had another idea.

"Write the chorus."


"Please come on, just a few lines."

Hayley groaned, but then later on agreed. She looked around Ashley's badroom thinking of what to write, her eyes then widened when she saw something blue on Ashley's bedside table. Hayley stood up to walk towards it, she then picked it up and said, "Are these anti-depressants?"

"Uh... Yeah," Ashley looked down, shifting her focus on the pen in her hand.

"You're depressed?"

"Yeah, why else would I have anti-depressants?"

"Mind explaining?" Hayley placed the bottle of pills back on the table and sat down again on the carpet next to Ashley.

"I battled with insecurity and trouble in accepting my sexuality. Since my parents were religious, I had to hide myself, and I always thought that what I was feeling was wrong. My mother also pressured me into looking beautiful all the time, but I always felt like I lacked that, I lacked beauty, all I saw was flaws. Then I was attacked by depression. I then saw a therapist who suggested to jot down my feeling in a piece of paper, hence my journal."

Hayley laughed, but it was a sad laugh. "Looks like we're both fucked up," She joked.

"Hey, at least we fit like two pieces of a broken heart," Ashley said. "Anyway..." Ashley then threw the notebook and pen at Hayley. "You can't escape."

"Well I'll write five lines, and that's it."


Everything is blue
Her pills, her hands, her jeans
And now I'm covered in the colors
Pulled apart at the seams
And it's blue

Hayley proudly gave the notebook to Ashley. "That's actually really good... Oh I have an idea!"

Ashley then took the pen and wrote four more lines underneath, a smirk on her face. "Grey."


"What?" Ashley repeated, giggling.

Everything is grey
Her hair, her smoke, her dreams
And now she's so devoid of color
She don't know what it means
And she's blue

"Here," Ashley smiled, giving the notebook to Hayley.

"Well played frangipane, well played."

DOUBLE UPDATE, YOU'RE WELCOME. I know I changed the lyrics up a bit and Halsey's story, but please just let me be, and it's au, so... Yeah. I really hope that you guys like where the story is going.

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