Hawaii pt. 2

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"So, can we go day dream in the sand now or?"

"do you really need to day dream I mean, we are in hawaii, isn't that good enough for you Mr. Foster?" Connor laughed at himself.

"Ha. ha. ha. you should be a comedian. With jokes like that you'll get just about, well, nowhere."

"C'mon" Connor rolled his eyes and pick up a towel.

"Okay. Mr. Stevens" I picked up my towel and followed Connor to the beach


Jude and I rolled out our towels in the sand and layed down on them.
"Better?" I asked


Our eyes met and we just stayed like that for awhile. Untill Jude leaned in, I leaned back and our lips touched.
We let go from the kiss and Jude got up.

"Look at the Ocean" Jude pointed

I looked at where he was pointing. A shark.
Its was just the thing to ruin a vacation.
The lifeguards blew their whistles and everyone swam back to shore.

"Come on... lets go" Jude said

I got up and walked with Jude back to our hotel room.

"Sorry Jude"


"Because I didn't think that was going to happen"

"You can't control sharks, and nobody got hurt so everything is fine"

"You sure?"

"Yeah, Im sure"

"So what do you want to do?"

"Well we have a few hours before dinner time"


"Lets just take showers and get ready"

"Where are we going?"

"I Don't know yet, but somewhere nice"

"Nice as In?"

"Relaxing, we need it"

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