Second Generation

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Walter's gray eyes filled with joy as he spotted his fellow friends sitting in the palace gardens. He walked over, his posture that of a prince, and bowed his head in greeting. "Good evening," he said.

Michelle Benoit, daughter of his family's close friends, was the first to stand and awkwardly bow. She stood back up. "Your highness! What a pleasure to see you here, in the gardens, on Earth. Do tell me, how long has it been since you last visi--"

"Michelle, since when can you keep a proper conversation? Besides, you're rambling again," Michael warned from the side. Walter laughed, awkwardly rubbing the skin above his elbow. Michael bowed his head. "Walter," he greeted.

He smiled in return and then looked away as Michael went back to his work by the pond, rescuing all of the insects that were drowning. "Is Benjamin here or--"

"Hazah! I have won!" a voice yelled. Though Walter couldn't see, due to the fact he was currently pinned to the grass, his chin in the dirt, he knew who that was. "You found me. No. I found you." The weight was lifted from his back and Walter turned, accepting Benjamin's help to get up. He brushed off the dirt from his black and red suit and then shook hands with Benjamin, the beginning of their elaborate greeting handshake. It consisted of loud un-prince-like hollers, and slaps, and fist-bumps, and many other components. They finished with a grin. "I truly am sorry if I ruined your suit, Walter," Benjamin apologized.

Walter shrugged, looking down to inspect his suit; red dress pants made of a fine silk-like material (minus the shine), black polished dress shoes, and a long black coat with many silver buttons. It was still in order. "My suit seems fine, although," he paused, spitting out some dirt, "I do seem to have swallowed some things. And I'm afraid my hair may have lost its pampering."

"It looks as spiffy as always," Michelle mumbled from her seat on the bamboo bench.

Walter flashed her a smile before going back to Benjamin. "Is your sister around? And Nova? I'm dying to meet the new princess," he exclaimed, walking to the water. He looked at his reflection and gasped. "Oh stars," he mumbled, turning back around. "Benjamin, what will mother say when she sees this?" he asked, gesturing to his ruined hair and the dirt on his pale face.

Two small figures stepped out from the palace entrance, both in elegant gowns. The taller one laughed. "Would you like the exact reaction?" she asked, going to stand by Benjamin. She then proceeded to acting out what Princess Winter would do, including a small faint. Applause came from the Benoit twins, praising her dramatic performance. She bowed with a giggle, high-fiving Benjamin for what he had done. She sat down with a smile, earning a glare from Walter, who was anything but pleased. She shrugged. "Mom says I'd be perfect to be one of those people on the net dramas. Says I'd make a great actress. She's happy about that," Lilliana stated.

"Walter!" another voice exclaimed. Genevieve ran up to him, the other girl who had entered the garden, and wrapped her arms around his waist, since her head barely reached his elbow. Walter was tall for his age. But with all the force she used, they both stumbled back, and the fabric over his prosthetic leg rolled up as they fell. He quickly sat up, the smile gone, and covered himself up. "Sorry, Wally."

Walter didn't reply, all of his focus on his leg. He frowned, but didn't get too upset.

Michelle cleared her throat. "I think it's cool," she whispered, sitting down beside him.

"You know what I've realized, Elle?" her brother started. He left the pond and straightened his vest. "You hate everything. And then all of a sudden Prince Walter here shows up and you suddenly think everything about him is cool." He smirked, something he rarely did. "Coincidence?" he asked.

"I think not," Genevieve finished, earning a pat on the head from Michael and an I like her. Walter looked down, his nose and cheeks pink. "You know, Wally. You've never explained to us the ways of your foot."

"The ways of my... foot?" They all nodded and he shrugged. "There isn't much to it," he admitted. "It's just... there. No wires or anything like Aunt Se-- Aunt Cinder."

A sigh came from Lilliana. "I wish we were allowed into the ball. But no, because we're not fourteen," she complained, changing the subject.

Thank the stars for the subject change, Walter thought.

"I'm sure I could get you in, Anna," Benjamin offered with a shrug. "After all, you just need the height to pass as a fourteen year old." He winked. Lilliana shrugged, and they walked off towards the rows of fruit trees.

Michael walked over to the young princess and picked her up. "Come on, Gen. I don't trust Benjamin to be alone with her." And they walked off, Michael smiling at Michelle.

Walter frowned at the gesture and stood up. "We really shouldn't be out here with no supervision, and--"

"Relax, good guy. Aces, are you really that afraid of getting into trouble?"

He shrugged, sitting back down. "Kind of comes with being a Prince."

She rolled her eyes and stood up, offering a hand. "Fine. But I can't go a day without causing trouble so..."

"Michelle," Walter warned, standing up by himself and walking towards the palace.

"What?" she asked innocently, skipping to catch up.

Walter stuffed his hands into his pockets, looking at her through the corner of his eyes. Her normally straight brown hair was now up in a curled ponytail. Her tanned skin went nicely with her grey-blue gown, and it brought out the green of her brown-green eyes. She didn't reflect her personality today. Walter looked away with a shrug. "I wouldn't want you to ruin the annual peace ball, is all. It'd make for terrible press."

She laughed, her eyes closing and her freckled nose wrinkling. "Oh, Walter. If I get creative with a prank, I'm not just going to let it go to waste."

"That's what I'm afraid of."

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