The Real World: San Diego

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Tia // 23 // Black // Fort Lauderdale , Florida

Dominic // 24 // Dominican and Black // Los Angeles , California

Raven // 21 // Mixed // Houston, Texas

Jalen // 22 // Black // Baton Rogue , Louisiana

Ryan // 25 // White // Sacramento, California

Trisha // 23 // Spanish and White // Columbia, South Carolina

Sarah // 24 // White // Albany, New York

Episode 1 • | One night in San Diego |•

*Screen takes a tour around the city and beaches of San Diego then goes to a beautiful girl sitting at an outside bar of Buffalo Wild Wings*

Tia // 23 // Black // Fort Lauderdale , Florida

I'm Tia! I'm 23 and I'm from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I'm a hot head and I'm usually the one out of the bunch to be in the most drama. Growing up I never had much so I got teased a lot , but around middle school that stopped I got tired of it and started whooping people ass. I intimidate a lot of people because I'm so beautiful and they get jealous by that but anyways , While I'm here I hope to have a amazing time and just enjoy my summer.

*Screen shows a handsome waiter escorting her to a private upstairs bar and then putting a tray full of shots on to her table*

"Yes! This is going to be amazing!"says Tia as she grabs one of the shots and throws it back full

*Screen shows a beautiful Spanish girl walking coming up the steps and walking over to her*

" Hi! I'm Trisha."says the girl as she greets her

Trisha // 23 // Spanish and White // Columbia, South Carolina

I'm Trisha! I'm 23 and I'm from Columbia, South Carolina. One word to describe myself would be CRAZY! Like yass I'm crazy. It's the Spanish in me, I get it from my mother. Me and her are like twins. When I get mad it's like a whole different me. I'm not a friendly person, I hate people so living in this house with 6 different people is going to be verryy very interesting.

" Nice to meet you Trish, I'm Tia."says Tia with a smile as she gets up and hugs her

"Nice to meet you too."says Trish as the girls sit down
"Where you from? "asks Tia

"I'm from Columbia, South Carolina, and you?"says Trish

"I'm from Fort Lauderdale, Florida."says Tia

"Cool and how old are you."Asks Trish

"I just turned twenty three about two months ago."says Tia

"Oh my gosh! Bitch me two."says Trish
"When's your birthday?"asks Tia

"May 11th." says Trish
" Mines is May 24th! " says Tia

"Oh wow that's so cool!"says Trish

Interview> Trish - so far I'm liking this girl Tia. She seems like a cool person to get along with but we'll see.

Screen shows two handsome boys walking up the steps and then one of them yelling" WHATS UP!"

Ryan // 25 // White // Sacramento, California

I'm Ryan, I'm 25 and I'm from Sacramento, California.I can't believe we're going to be staying in a mansion for 2 months . I've really needed a vacation after what's all happened in the past five months. Back home I have a girlfriend named Ashely she doesn't trust me going to San Diego even though it's only like 8 hours away. Yeah I can admit that we've had problems in the past but I feel as if she's the one but right now I'm just ready to tear down San Diego.

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