Nightmare (stucky)

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Bucky bolted upright, sweat rolling down his face as he brought his right hand up to run over it, panting heavily. Images continued to linger like ghosts in front of his sleep hazed eyes as he tried to calm himself with constant chanting of "It's fine, your fine, it's not real" while taking deep breaths. Bucky felt the bed shift next to him causing his head to whip around as his hand pulled away from his face to see Steve now looking sleepily up at him but his eyes must have conveyed his panic cause Steve suddenly furrowed his brow before shifting to sit up.

"Buck? You okay?" Steve asked as he wrapped an arm around his new bedmate

Moonlight highlighted the outline of Bucky's face as he turned his head back to stare at the sheets. Images were still racing through Bucky's head as he tried to find a way to answer Steve that wouldn't make him sound like a baby. Suddenly a hand rested gently on Bucky's thigh causing him to pull his head up to look back at Steve who was still staring at him in concern.

"You can tell me anything you know" Steve pointed out trying to coax Bucky into talking to him.

"I'm...I'm fine Steve" Bucky stated in a whispered voice

"Are you sure?" Steve pressed, rubbing his thumb in circles on Bucky's thigh

"Do you...ever dream of the past?" Bucky asked after a moment of silence

"What?" Steve asked in retort, a little taken back by the odd sudden question

"You know...about the battles you fought in? Your regrets?" Bucky whispered trying to keep his eyes trained on the sheets instead of on Steve.

"You mean a nightmare?" Steve wondered earning a nod from Bucky

"Well, yeah I do, is that what just happened?" Steve wondered

"Mm-hmm" Bucky hummed as he slightly nodded his head

"Come here" Steve stated as he gently pulled Bucky close then eased them both down to a lying position with Bucky's head leaning on Steve's shoulder and Steve's arm wrapped around Bucky's shoulders.

"Just try to let it go Bucky, I know it's hard but in the end all that's gone and we can't change I'm here now for you," Steve explained as he rubbed gently on Bucky's upper arm as the cool metal bit into his skin. Bucky seemed to really mull over what Steve had just said then with a slow exhale of breath he seemed to relax.

"Thank you Steve" Bucky whispered then closed his eyes to fall back asleep to the beat of Steve's heart.

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