You Fight With Michael

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"Michael can you just listen to me for two minutes!" You scream at Michael, as you're in the middle of a fight,

"Why should I? All you're gonna do is yell at me about how I'm a terrible boyfriend." Michael says.

"Well, now that you say that, you are!" You screamed.

"Well you don't hear me complain about stuff you do, do you?!" Michael says back to you.

"Maybe if you listened too me and not focus more on video games then me I wouldn't complain." You said.

"Your such a girl. complaining about every fucking thing I do!" Michael yelled back.

"Where the hell are you going?!" Michael screams as you walk towards the door.

"To clear my mind." You said walking out the door.

"Hey Ashton can I spend the night at your place?" You texted Ash knowing he'd be the one to understand.

"Sure, what's wrong?" He texts back only a minute later.

"Tell you when I get to your place." You say as you started to walk.

"Okay tell me what happened." Ashton says as soon as you got to his house.

"Me and Michael got in an fight." You said sighing.

"What happened in said fight?" Ashton asked.

"I yelled at him for focusing more on video games, he yelled at me for being a girl and yelling about everything he does." You said sobbing.

"Its okay, Michael isn't the smartest." Ashton replied patting your shoulder in a comforting yet awkward way.

"I know." You said. "You got any candy?"

"Yeah." Ashton says walking inside. "You coming in?"

"Yeah." You say stepping inside.

"Here you go." Ashton says handing you some candy.

"Ash who's this" You heard a small voice ask behind you and Ashton. "Its obvious she's his girlfriend." Another voice answered.

"You two shut it, and no she's not my girlfriend." Ashton says turning around to face his two younger siblings.

"Are you sure? You could be lying to us." Lauren says.

"I'm sure now can you two leave." Ashton says.

"Mom Ash has a girl over!" Harry yelled.

"I give up." Ashton sighed.

"What was that Harry?" Ashton's mom says walking over to the two of you.

"Ashton explain the girl." His mom said glancing at you.

"I will when you two leave." Ashton says pointing at his two younger siblings.

"Fine." They said leaving the room.

"Okay. So this is Y/N and I said she could crash over here because she and Michael got in a fight." Ashton explains.

"Oh that makes sense." His mom says. "I hope you and Michael work whatever happened out."

"I hope so too." You say as soon as she leaves the room, more like a whisper to yourself.

"You guys will, Michael is not dumb enough to let you get away." Ashton said sweetly.

Michael's P.O.V.

"I'm so fucking stupid." I say too myself as I try to figure out where Y/N would go.

"There is only a few places she would go." I tell myself grabbing my phone.

"Let's call Luke first.' I say clicking on Luke's number.

"Michael whats up? Is everything okay." Luke questioned answering the call.

"No. Me and Y/N got in the fight, you happen to know where she is?" I asked.

"No. Did you try calling Ashton?" Luke suggested.

"Not yet but I will. Thanks Luke." I say ending the call.

I sat down before calling Ashton.

"Hey Ashton you know where Y/N is?" I asked as soon as he answered the call.

"Yes." He answered vaguely.

"Where?! I need to apologize too her!" I said, almost screaming.

"Come by my house." Ashton said ending the call like that.

As soon as I got to Ashton's I'm greeted by Ashton standing at his door.

"Where is she? I need to apologize." I said, worry in my voice.

"She's inside." Ashton says letting me in.

I walked inside to see Y/N crying.

"Y/N I'm so sorry. I know I'm the worst boyfriend in the world and if you hate me I would understand why." I said running over to Y/N and hugging her.

Y/N didn't say anything she just hugged me and cried in my chest.

"I'm sorry I know I didn't focus on you when you needed it but I now will." I whispered into her hair.

'I'm sorry about yelling at you, I know I can be a bitchy girl." Y/N said somewhat muffled into my chest.

"You two done with your little moment so you guys can leave?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah." Y/N said walking outside.

"Thanks by the way." I said moving to the door.

"Welcome. I was telling her you aren't stupid enough too let her get away." Ashton said, a little annoyance in his voice.

"You're right I'm not that dumb." I said walking outside.

First imagine! Hope you guys like it!

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