How To Start A Book- Cover

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                                                                 Book Cover

      You want to write a book? You already have one and want to post it on Wattpad for the wonderful Wattpaders to read? That's great but be warned because you're not going to be able to do this just in one day.

     First thing you need, a cover. And this is huge so it has to be broken up into parts.

     Title: Make the beginning of the letters capital. It makes it look like you took time to make it look professional. If you read hardcover books you'll rarely see a book that has a title like this: "the wonderful life". Unless, of course it's a technique they're trying to use.

     Think about the title for a bit. You don't just want to slap on some cliche one like "Love". There are thousands of books on Wattpad with that name and it's not likely someone will give it a second look. Make sure it's memorable.

     Second thing: the font and coloring is really important. Most people use curvy and cursive lettering for teen fiction and romance, and boxy letter for science fiction.

     Just make sure it fits because if it fits it will sits.

     WARNING: Do not reveal the whole story plot in the title -_- "The girl who dies and comes back to life to kill her boyfriend". Cool story plot, just wish you hadn't spoiled it for me at first sight.

     Photo Cover: If you're writing a romance book, have a romantic photo. Preferably a sexy guy. I'm not joking. Don't make it too explicit but show some skin, ya know?

     In general just make sure the picture is good quality and clear. It should be visually appealing and also needs to have something to do with your book.

     Name: Put your name/pen name in a smaller lettering than the title on the top or the bottom. Make sure it's a different color, font and size. Also make sure it shows in the background. Some fade into it and it becomes bleh.

     I use Google Docs to make my covers and although it's kind of a drag it works absolutely amazing for me! I think it's because I'm comfortable with the layout. If you need a cover for your book, that you're absolutely sure that you're going to write, then message me. I would be happy to make it! :D

     P.S- You can also use PicMonkey. I don't really like it but lots of people have told me that it works amazing!

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