The Zodiac House

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*at the zodiac house*


"For gods sake!" Aries screams throwing the covers off of him banging on the wall behind him, " Turn off your shitty music Scorpio or I'm going to kick the shit out of you!"

Scorpio in the room next door smirks to himself reaching to the left of him to turn up the stereo a bit louder. He chuckles as he hears Aries scream at him some more banging on the walls, reaching over to grab the weed from Aquarius.

Aquarius looks up at him and laughs. "Oh potato, you don't do drugs," his eyes widen," Wait Baked Potato!" He bursts out laughing again, as Scorp glares at him snatching the weed from Aquarius's hand.

Now moving across the hall to Virgo's room. She's studying her computer. Reading all the new stats on the school website. She grins as she goes to her own website, it got more views than Capricorn. She grabs her iPod smirking, turning up the Mozart.

This is what it felt like to be successful.

Drifting to the bathroom. You will see Leo. He is looking at himself in the mirror. He just did his hair and it looks perfect. Now its onto his straight white teeth.

After he puts the toothbrush down after 5 minutes of scrubbing, there's a knock on the door.

He opens it to see Saggi leaning against the door with her phone in her hand. She looks up at Leo with a flutter of her eye lashes. She smirks as Leo looks at her body up and down. She new it was a good day to wear her sweater and sweater only to bed.

"Enjoy the view?" She chuckles getting off the wall shoving her phone into the front pocket.

Leo removes his eyes from her legs, " hell yeah I do," and with that he pulls her into the bathroom by the waist.

She chuckles as he puts her up on the counter kissing her neck. With that she kicks the door with her foot bringing his mouth to hers.

Heading down the stairs is Gemini glaring at the door that Saggi just kicked shut. What does she like in him anyways? He's like a Ken Barbie doll... That's probably it.

walking over to the couch Pisces was on once he sits down next to her, she blushes shutting her laptop quickly scooting away from Gemini.

He gives Pisces a weird look, he casually raises his arm to smell his armpit. Does he already smell? No, he couldn't he just put on deodorant.

"Look Pisces, do you have issues with me? Do I smell? Why did you close your laptop? Oh my god! Are you on a dating website? Do you think Saggi really likes Leo, or do you think she want to be with me. Would you want to be with me? Am I ugly? I think I'm, pretty ! But look at Saggi! Shes like.. WELL LOOK AT HER!"

Pisces eyes widen as she shakes her head at all his words, as her eyes start to water. This is too much for her.

Cancer giggles at their convo but needs to leave before he be brings her into this. She pushes herself off the recliner chair throwing her big hair into a bun and walks into the kitchen to see Cappy and Taurus cracking up.

"Whats so funny?" Cancer asks pulling out a chair to the island that Cappy was sitting on.

Cappy shows her a picture on his phone of the picture he drew on Aries face while he was sleeping.

Taurus was shaking her hips to 'a thousand miles.' It's from her favorite movie, White Chicks.

She brought up the spatula she was making the pancakes with. "Making my way down town, okay you guys need to do the drumming part. Got it?" She interrupts herself.

"Got it," they chuckle.

When the part comes Cancer hits the table as Cappy just says the 'ba dum dum'

"And I need you!" Tap tap tap, "and I miss you!" tap tap tap, "and now I woun-der." She laughs as she turns around to flip the pancakes over continuing her singing.

Then in walks Libra, looking like the goddess she is. She outstretches her arms. "Isn't this such a beautiful morning?" Cancer smiles at her, " yes it is, morning."

"Hmm, I smell pancakes," her eyes move to Taurus who was still dancing. "As long as I get five," Taurus shrugs.

Then a scream echos through the house, " WHAT THE HELL! WHO DID THIS?"

Cappy's eyes widen, he looks down at his wrist, "well look at the time," he taps the imaginary watch, " gotta go!" With that he bolts out of the house.

Everyone in the kitchen chuckles as Aries comes down stairs. Libra's eyes widen, " oh my god," she snickers covering her mouth.

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