Made up chapter [McKenna]

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I do not own the story this is a one shot for knightsrachel book called Jefferson Lake. That being said you should really check out her amazing book. Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes or punctuation mistakes. Finally let's get on with the story.

I sat uncomfortably in the booth. I knew this was a mistake. My mom had called yesterday saying she wanted to grab lunch and catch up. I should've said no, it's been awkward between us since my sister died. Her death was hard on all of us and I understand that we all dealt with it in a different way but my mother was irritating me. I haven't told anyone anything but I feel like my mother is trying to get me to replace Elizabeth. I can't stand the thought of confronting her in fear that I might hurt her, emotionally of course. She was in so much pain and she still is but trying to turn me into Elizabeth wasn't going to help anyone. I should tell dad he'd know what to do. But do I really want to bring up painful memories? No of course not. If I told him it might cause more damage. I looked down at the application she had set in front of me. Cheerleading camp seriously? I chewed on the inside of my cheek nervously I should talk to Lee he'll know what to do.

After lunch I made a quick stop into my dorm to grab my camera. I just needed to escape for awhile. As I made my way out of the dorm I noticed I had forgotten my phone in my room. What I didn't notice was the girl speed walking behind me. As she made her move to go around me I turned causing us to crash into each other. The girl let out a frustrated sigh grabbed her stuff and continued on her way glaring at my the whole time. I didn't care. All I cared about was my camera that had slipped from my hands upon impact.

"Please no. Please please please don't be cracked." I whispered to myself trying to stay calm.

I picked up my camera and turned it around to see the lens completely shattered. I almost immediately felt my eyes start to water. This isn't happening. Why did this have to happen now? Today when I just really needed an escape. Well I could always just drink away my sorrows I thought sarcastically. Not an option the migraines I would wake up with would so not be worth it. But I guess one drink wouldn't hurt.

~~~~~~~~A few hours later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I didn't bother looking up as I heard my room door open expecting it to be Tracey. I was on my bed curled up in the corner flask in hand. Staying true to my word this was still my first drink.

"Are you drinking?" She asked with a small smile on her face.


Tracey sighed "This isn't just because your broke your camera is it?"

I looked at my nightstand where I had placed my now useless camera.

"It's been an off day for me." I couldn't tell her about my mom or else she would find out about Elizabeth.

"Look it's no big deal just replace the camera." She stated as she grabbed her sweater and headed for the door again. Tracey flashed me a quick smile before she shut it.

I looked over at my camera again. Elizabeth had been broken too. Only no one noticed it before she was broke beyond repair. Now my mother was trying to use me to replace her. I could never be Elizabeth and I didn't want to be.

I sighed "Why doesn't she get it?" I whispered "What's the point of replacing the original if the replacement is broken too."


And that's it :) Again sorry for any error. I would like to point out that I wrote this on my kindle so I'm not really sure how long it will be. But if it does not reach the requirements please notify me so I can add more so that it does. Thank you! :)

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