Chapter 6 - Seven Dates

Start from the beginning

"Yes! You called me right after, even though I was still in class, and told me to meet you in the bathroom." We start cracking up at the memory.

"It was over the shirt, and awkward as hell. We didn't ever kiss. He kept leaving these little notes in my locker, though." It had made it even more awkward. The point is, I had told her that, even though it was the lowest moment of my high school career so far. Why won't I tell her this?

"So I'm telling you... that it was a date in the same way that Will Halpert was an experienced romantic. It wasn't, and he wasn't." Why won't I tell her?

He is wonderful. He is hot, he is strangely sweet, and he makes me feel like I'm flying. Andy Biersack is the highlight of my love life, I'm sure. But... I start to doubt my decision of saying yes because maybe it was the wrong choice, and I know that it's gonna be a bad relationship or something and that's why I wont tell Kira. Maybe because I've never been in a crazy relationship. Really, I've only had three boyfriends. Four, if you count Will. There was Jared in ninth grade, who lasted about the whole year but we broke up like a week before school ended because... well, he bored me. Then there was like a month long weird thing with Will. That kind of overlapped with... God, what was his name?

"Junior year. After Will... Who-" Kira cuts off my question with an answer ready.

"Ansar?" Oh, yah. that was for two years. He ws the best, but... we broke up because in the end we were both kind of... bored with each other.

"Then Juan for the last half of summer and first half of school. You broke up because it got kind routine. You told me he started looking like the Pledge of Allegiance. Something you just kind of did." We both laugh and I realize just why I don't want to tell her. All my boyfriends had been steady, and Andy freaks me out.

"It was kind of a date and we kissed a lot and I'm pretty sure I agreed to see where dating would take us and that's really it but I did kind of feel like Julia Roberts." I spit out, then stuff the rest of the Pop Tart I had been nibbling on into my mouth so I don't have to talk anymore. Her eyes widen and she cheers, dancing around the apartment. I go and lay down on the bed, pulling the curtain around. Hopefully she goes away. She doesn't. Instead, she takes it upon herself to schedule a weird hang out/double date with her and Ashley.


I sit in a corner of my apartment, watching Family Guy. My TV is my favorite part of the flat. Kira's cousin hooked us up with all of these surround sound systems and sixty inch flat screens. Not sure if it was legal but... they were pretty much free. Maybe I do only have a bean bag chair and pillows as the sitting area, but I couldn't care less when I can watch Stewie create the Big Bang on a sixty inch. I smirk, because my awesomely cheap apartment annoys the crap out of Kira and she'll be here to take it all in any minute now. She's always pushing me to sell the pillows and bean bag char and get an actual couch- Oh Damn. She'll be here any fucking minute and I haven't gotten ready!

I rush to my makeup table, pulling my dark hair and bangs back into a headband before launching into fast makeup mode. This is an actual skill I had to learn at beauty school.

On Tuesday when Kira forced Ashley, Andy, and I into agreeing to the double date, we settled on Friday. I seriously have not left the apartment since then, instead I watch Seth McFarlen creations. So when I checked my phone today, I was quite shocked to see it was already Friday. I finish off my light smokey eye, then grab a brown pencil liner for my under-eye. Before pulling out the oh-so-trusty liquid liner I check my phone for the time and see her text message.

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