Chapter 29

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My 6 year old cousin is getting bullied in school and I'm so pissed off cos no one messes with my cousin ok.


Elena’s POV:

            “How does your jaw feel?” I murmur quietly, staring up at the sky.

            “It’s better,” Harry replies, his fingers stroking through my hair.

            Harry and I were lying down on our backs in his backyard. My head was resting on his chest as his left hand was behind his head and his right hand tangled in my hair. The wind was blowing softly around us slightly as I drew patterns on Harry’s chest with my index finger. Harry’s hand absentmindedly stroked through my hair, and it felt super relaxing.

            Just a half hour ago, Harry had said those three strong words to me. Those three words hold so much meaning, and Harry being the one who said it, I can tell that he actually truly means it. And the smile on his face when I said the words back was so big and beautiful, I had never seen him smile like that. It was adorable, really.

            So now here we were, laying on our backs in his backyard as we stared up at the light blue sky that held some white, fluffy looking clouds. I could hear the rustling of the trees and the leaves as the wind blew, giving it a calmer environment. A sigh escaped my lips as my eyes fluttered close, the familiar musky scent of Harry’s cologne filling my nose.

            “So Mum’s wedding’s coming up,” Harry breaks the silence.

            “I know,” I smile slightly.

            “I’m happy for her. I really am. I want her to be happy again,” I hear Harry mumble.

            I lift my head slightly so I can look at him, my eyesight only catching his neck and jaw as he faces the sky. “What makes you think she wasn’t happy before?”

            “Because it was just her and I,” Harry chuckles lowly, looking down at me. “I never was and never will be enough for her. Lets just hope that Robin is.”

            I frown, sitting up fully as I look down at his laying figure. “Why do you always put yourself down when it comes to Anne? Why can’t you see that she’s your mother and that she loves you?”

            Harry sighs, still looking up at the sky as he remains laying on the ground. “I don’t know,” he says. “Force of habit, I guess.”

            “Stop making a habit of it then,” I tell him sternly. “It’s not a good thing, Harry. You’re over thinking this. Your mum loves you and that’s that.”

            In all honesty, it actually pained me to see how Harry thinks so low of himself when it comes to his mother. If anything, Anne loves Harry with all her heart – it’s visible in her eyes. She smiles when her son comes into view, and she’s always gushing on and on about how sweet he is. It’s just too bad that Harry can’t see it. He’s lucky he has a mum who cares for him, oppose to mine who just left me and isn’t trying to contact me in any sort of way.

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