Happy Start

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I woke up on my bed. Feeling a little bit cold. But for some reason I felt like if something is wrong. I looked to the left side of my bed and saw suitcases. Either we were going to move back to Tokyo or someone was moving in with me and Yuuki. I kept wondering for a few minutes. Until I decided to talk to aunt Yuuki about all of these suitcases. I came downstairs and heard a little bit of mumbling.

-"And these is the living room. Oh and if you want anything just look for me or for... Sakura your awake!"
-"Aunt Yuuki? Who were you talking t-"-I was cut of by a familiar voice.
-"Hey Aunt Yuuki have you seen my
bags I put on the couch but now there... gone."- It was my brother, Hinata.
-"There in my room."- There was a bit of a silence after that. Kinda of an awkward silence.
-"Oh Sakura this is Hinata. He's going to be living with us for now on. You might have met him when you went ice skating with your friends."
-"Why?"- I said.
-"Huh?"- Both of them were confused.
-"Why did you call my name?"- I asked.
-"Umm... she wanted me to look for you, because she was calling you on her cellphone but you didn't pick up."
-"I was really worried."- She was giving me the worried for a few seconds, until I said:
-"Why is he living with us? Doesn't he have a guardian of he's own?"
-"Actually he is in America because he's going to Harvard next year. So he's studying here."- That might have been true, but I felt like if it was for another reason.

5 hours passed and it was already time to sleep. I tried to sleep, but I kept waking up every 5 minutes. I wonder if he even knew what really happened to our parents. Well what really happened to our mother, and his father. It was already midnight and I felt a little bit thirsty, so went downstairs for something to drink. But then I saw a light coming from the kitchen, when I came in it was my brother.

-"Hey. Are you hungry?"
-"No. Just thirsty. Is their anymore juice?"
"There's some apple juice. Let me you get a glass."
-"Thanks. Quick question."- He turned he's head to me with a glass. -"Yeah?"
-"Do you know what really happened to our mom and your dad?"
-"You mean our parents. Well, when you where just five, they died because someone shot them. Can you believe that someone will kill such a lovely couple. That person had to be a psychopath."- He said will poring some apple juice on my cup. -"Here."

I picked up the cup and drank a little bit of the juice. I replayed all of does words he said in my head. In that moment I didn't know what else to say. I thought that if I said the truth he could send me to jail. And if I said that I could see ghost he'll think I'm crazy. But I didn't had another choice I had to get the pressure of. I couldn't just believe that it all wasn't real. I was about to say it but then he said that:
-"But when I saw you there, alive, then I thought that... he wanted you. I thought that you had the gift."
-"W-What gift? Please tell me."- I asked so badly.
-"...Let's just say that people thought that our mom was crazy when she was little. That she was seeing things. Dead people, dead animals, they all thought that she was nuts. In fact, she killed her parents when she was little, because of a lie that her "ghost friend" said."- After that my glass fell to the floor, breaking it into a million pieces, I guess.
-"He the that to mom as well. He is monster. Sniff... He wanted me to kill my parents, for fun?"- I fell on my knees, crying even more over the fact that there was glass shards under me.
-"You killed our parents? Just like mom?"
-"I'm never moving back to Tokyo. I'm not going to let that happen again."- At first I thought he as going to hit me a lot, but he actually hugged me. Ignoring that part that there's little glass chards on the floor.

-"You wanna know why I came to America for? To see you again. I don't care if I enter to Harvard or not. I just wanted to be back with my little sister. I promised you that I was going to be with you, and I'm not gonna break that promise...Sniff... again."- He hugged me tighter. And so I hugged him back. So long with the hugged that I didn't notice that aunt Yuuki was watching us.
-"HAAAH!!"- Onii-chan and I didn't even know she was there with a book.
-"Look,... I knew that you were the one that killed your mom. And I did knew, also, that you came here for her not for a to go to Harvard."
-"How?!"- We both asked.
-"You both aren't the only ones that can see ghost. Plus I was reading this book, I heard a few voices coming from the kitchen and so check on how you were bonding like brother and sister."- She smiled at us, and at that moment that's were Onii-chan notice the glass.
-"Aunt Yuuki. Do you have any bandages? And maybe a broom?"
-"Oh yes the glass cup. I'll be right back."

We clean up the kitchen, we talk all night that we slept in the morning. I'm glad that was winter break.

I have nothing else to say but, the best person that you can trust is your family, sometimes. But still, this is not going to end up here. Never ever.

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