Once, Chres got home he asked why I left school. I told him I got in a fight. He hugged me and hit my arm. I yelped and he looked at me. He grabbed my arm and rolled up my sleeve. "Yn, what happened?" He asked. I looked down at the ground. He made me look up at him. "What happened to your arm?" He asked. "I cut." I muttered lowly. "Yn, quit playing and answer me." He said. "I cut." I said. His expression softened. "Why?" He asked. "People have been calling me slut, stupid, ugly, bitch, I started to believe them. Someone who used to be my best friend agreed." I said. Chres hugged me and let me cry on him.

"Who did it? I'mma kill em'." He said. I shook my head. "It doesn't matter." I said. He held me tighter. "I told you in the beginning, whoever hurts you in anyway, I will hurt. They made you almost kill yourself, they're gonna die. Who was it?" He asked. "If I tell you, promise to just talk to them not kill them. I don't want you to kill and go to jail. I need you to stay with me." I said crying. He rubbed my back. "Okay, I promise." He said. I looked at him to make sure he wasn't lying. I put my head back on his chest. "Justice Perez." I said in his chest.

"Jacob's cousin?" He asked, shocked. I nodded. I felt him tense up. "I should kill her." He said with clenched teeth. I looked at him. "No, you promised me." I said. "She hurt you. I'mma hurt her." He said. I hugged him again and said "Calm down, breath, relax. Just talk to her." I said. He relaxed a little. He went in our room. I knew he was smoking cause it relieves his stress. I just sat in the living room on my phone. Chres came out and literally sat on me. I giggled. "Get off of me fat stack." I said. He chuckled. "That's not nice." He said. "Neither am I." I said. He laughed. "You're nice, sometimes, to certain people. Well, you're nice to me." He said. Then he looked down at me. "Do we have work tonight?" He asked. "I don't know, if you would get you fat self off of me, I could look at my phone and see." I said. He laughed and got up. I checked my phone and told him we do. We got our shoes and jackets on and left.

-End Flashback-

*Yn POV*

"You don't remember?" I asked him. He shook his head. "Nah, I remember you got in a fight with my cousin and went home early. The next day you didn't talk to me at all and told me to stay out of your life." He said. I looked at him. "After the fight, you pulled me off your cousin and took me to another room. You yelled at me. I told you that she was the one that started the rooms and then you said that I started them and that I had a crush on you and I didn't want no girl to get with you. Then I said I would never do that to you cause you were my best friend and you said ex-best friends cause you can't be friends with stupid sluts. I went home and that's the first time I ever cut myself." I explained then looked away in tears.

He didn't say anything for a minute. "You cut because of me?" Jacob asked, his voice cracking. "That was just the last straw. People had been calling me names, pushing me, tripping me, writing notes and putting them in my locker. I didn't tell Chres cause he would kill someone." I said. "Yn, I'm so sorry." Jacob said. I faced him. "It's okay, the past is the past." I told him. He hugged me. "Can we go back to best friends?" He asked. I nod. Jacob smiled. Then we finished cooking breakfast and everyone ate. It felt good to have my best friend back.

-The Wedding-

My mom is about to walk me down the isle. I'm nervous as fuck. "Mama, what if he runs away?" I asked. She chuckled. "He's not gonna." She assured me. I took a deep breath. The music started and Prehia walked down the isle throwing flowers. Then Lolo walked down the isle arm in arm with Ray. They were the maid of honor and best man. Then Monique and Jacob. Then Tiara and Craig. Then Tina and Jaquan. Then Tiara and Chres' friend Darius. Then Kiara and Abraham, Chres' cousin. Then everyone stood as the song switched. Me and my mom started walking. Once we got down there, I stood in front of the preacher, facing Chres and he was facing me. "You look beautiful." He whispered. I smiled. "You look handsome." I whispered back. We smiled at each other as the preacher talked.

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