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First off...No one is hating on me but I am seeing people getting hated on everywhere :(
I mean, why do u haters hate? If u don't like the person or something, just ignore it. Why do u care?
So if any of u haters are reading this, leave my friends alone, irl or online. If u mess with them or me, I can find out where u live :)
Do u want that?
I can do more then finding out where u live ;)

Thanks anyone for reading my rant...kinda. Squeaker01 u might know someone that I don't like/is a hater...won't say names though.

Anyways, I just want to say thank you all for even just reading my stories. When I created this account, I only used it to read other people's stories. I was inspired and started writing my first book and didn't thought I would get this much views. Thank you. I LUV U ALL

I want to do something for you guys so if u haf any suggestions on what I should do, PLZ TELL MAH! I will do almost everything u want me to ;)

Last thing, if u are harassed in anyway, shape, or form. Please tell us wattpaders, we can help u :)

Welp...this was long. If u read this far...then u get a COOKIE :D *makes cookies appear magically*

My "life" of randomness and confusionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant