"Hey, a girl's got to make herself entertained.", she said before looking towards some boys.

Jeez, doesn't she have a boyfriend?, I thought before following her gaze.

Group of typical boys. Very built with different interesting features. They were handsome and looked familiar, though I can't remember their names.

The next thing, more like person, reminded me of where I saw them. It was Niccolo and those boys were the same jocks Nic hanged out with when he had ignored me.

The sight caused different reactions in me. It made my heart drop and my blood boil. A brunette, who I assumed was a slut by her mini clothes, was sitting on Niccolo's lap. As for Niccolo, he had a bored expression on his face but didn't even bother removing her.

What the hell is wrong with him!? He's back to hanging around with these blondies just when he knows how I feel about him? Does he think he can get away with this? Breaking my heart, then gathering all the shattered pieces together just to break them again? Hell no! Not this time. I'd have to confront him about this. I don't know whether the answer will please me or destroy me, but I want an answer.

Nic looked up and our eyes connected for a split second but he turned his head away before I could convey some eye messages.

"Yo, Los! Why do you have such pain bearing expression?", Cayden joked.

I had no idea when he came. Alice sauntered over on her branded shoes.

"Um, just, uh remembered,uh, when my dog died..."

Yeah. Really good lie you got there, Los. Really good.

"Since when did you even have a dog?", Scarlett asked skeptically.

"Had.", I corrected her, giving her a smile and hoping she would just forget it.

She raised an eyebrow, waiting for me to continue. Luckily, I didn't have to speak because Brendon came to us and informed that we had to go. Scarlett narrowed her eyes at me for a second before smiling and bouncing off. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. God, she can be so scary if she wants.

"Los, any more problems?"

I jumped at Jake's voice. I thought everybody had gone. "With what?"

"The phone call, Niccolo's mysterious words......? Does it trigger some memory inside your little brain?"

I scowled at him. "Of course I remember and I do not have a little brain."

"Yeah yeah, anyways, answer my question."

I was still scowling but I answered anyways. "No. Nothing's happened since then so I'm starting to think that phone call was a prank or something.", I answered, thoughtfully.

"Yeah, a prank played by some middle aged woman who you don't even know.", he said, giving me a flat look.

"Yeah, I guess it's not a prank. But I don't want to ponder over something like this. It's time to be relaxed and have fun with my friends.", I replied, pinching his cheeks and smiling broadly.

"Ow! Remind me not to be around you again."

"Oh you wouldn't be able to resist me.", I said, laughing, as I went towards our bus.

"Hurry up, slowpokes! The bus won't wait for us!", Scarlett shouted from far away. I always wonder how that lazy girl can be as fast as a marathon runner when she's excited.

We were going by bus to the airport, together. However, our aeroplane tickets would be given to us in the airports itself so we could either be together or seperated. There were many times I wondered why our school was taking us on such an expensive trip. Eh, whatever, it's not like I'm complaining.

With lots of talks and excitements, we'd finally reached. The whole ride I'd kept silent, my mind occupied with different imaginative scenes of me confronting Nic. The first three consisted of me starting to shout in rage but the next scenes were a bit calmer.

I huffed. I was getting calmer by every minute and I hated it. I wanted to just throw all my anger and annoyance at him! I hated being calm but-

Suddenly I realized that I was being closely scrutinized by someone. I slowly turned my head, revealing Scarlett's 'detective' face as I'd like to call it. She was leaning so close from the seat behind me that I jerked back from surprise.

"What are you thinking about?", she asked, in a low and ghostly voice.

"Uh, n-nothing", I stuttered.

Her narrowed eyes and gravely look was suddenly replaced by a smile. God, her mood swings scare me more than a ghost. But, well, that's Scarlett for you.

"Relax, Los", she said as we followed others out of the bus. "But seriously, I know you're having some problem" I opened my mouth to speak but she quickly added,"Don't you dare to deny it."

And that's why I love her. She understands me like the back of her hand. And I felt regret catching up with me for all the things I hid from her in these last few months.

"It's nothing, really. I'm just......confused. I've got to do something before I know it's really a problem or not." I shrugged.

"You know you can talk to me 'bout anything, right?", she asked with a worried tone.

"Yup, and even if you don't like, you'd have to listen to me" I grinned at her.

The airport was, of course, crowded. We got our tickets soon after and, just my bad luck, I wasn't with any of my friends. Scarlett and Cayden were seated together and so were Alice and Jake. Lucky people.

After some hussling and lots and lots of confusions, we finally got to our seats. I'd got the window seat. Yay!(And it's not sarcasm this time, I really love window seats.) It was a little before the plane was about to take off that my neighbouring seat got occupied.

Once again..........

........it was Niccolo.

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