Forty-Eight: Going Alone

Start from the beginning

"Like hell," he replied tightly, "but I'll get it sorted".

"Alexander, Owens? What happened?" Daiki Muto asked appearing as they finally reached the first floor of the hospital.

"We're fine," Charlotte breathed, before James was able to expand on their injuries.

"You'll have to go to the bunker for treatment," he said, gazing at their injuries. "Deluca and Jansen want to make sure that the supplies are managed carefully. I can help with Owens if she can't make it down unaided," he offered, glancing back at the leg she was hardly able to put weight on.

"No, it's okay. I have her," James said, before Charlotte even had time to wonder if it was not a better idea. "The door up above is undefended," James continued. "I'll say it to Ethan, but until somebody can man it..."

"Anybody could come down this way," Daiki nodded, understanding James' meaning. "Got it".

"Good – are you ready to keep going, Charlotte," James asked, before taking an uneasy step forward.

"Daiki, could have floated me down," Charlotte muttered after a few moments.

"I know, but this way I can keep you close," he said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"James..."Charlotte sighed, but he just shook his head.

"You said you didn't want me to give out. Don't give me reason to," he whispered. Charlotte's stomach knotted at the hurt in his voice, as she pressed her lips together and closed her eyes, guilt washing over her.

As they entered the bunker hundreds of eyes turned to watch them, an immediate silence descending.

The last time those gathered had seen James and Charlotte, they were about to be killed on the pitch. Their miraculous disappearance had lent itself to an added mystery about who they were and what they were doing. From how their fellow students gazed at them now, they might as well have been gods.

"Charlotte," Iseult said rushing forward and pulling Charlotte from James' grasp. Ethan was immediately on hand, to take hold of James, steadying his stance as he rocked back on his feet. "Are you okay?"

"My leg is burnt," she breathed, tears filling her eyes suddenly, not at the pain, but at being reunited with Iseult after so long.

"Don't start crying," Iseult breathed, smiling shyly at her. "Everything's okay". Charlotte was vaguely aware of being lifted up and carried along the length of the great hall, her silent audience watching her all the time. She was placed on a cot near the end of the bunker, barely registering that it was her own predesignated area.

She managed to keep her leg bent in an effort to stop it from coming in contact with anything else as she rolled her head back and gritted her teeth.

"How are you doing?" Iseult asked appearing at her side, smiling softly.

"It hurts," Charlotte replied without opening her eyes.

"We'll fix it," Iseult replied, just relax. Iseult took her hand, squeezing her fingers and then Charlotte felt the tell-tale bite of the needle in her arm. To her surprise her surroundings swam and darkness rescued her from the pain.


When Charlotte did stir, noise had returned to the bunker, a constant murmured din in the background. Charlotte found herself lying on her side, curled up in foetal position as if she had been asleep. She sat up and stretched, the pain in her leg a distant memory. She frowned, rubbing the back of her neck, and looked around.

Strength had returned to her body, but her alteration was still missing, leaving a gaping hole inside her, a part of her personality absent. She had had no idea it had meant so much to her. She tried to push the thoughts of how inadequate she felt without it to the back of her mind, storing it with her worries for Matt and her awkwardness with James, but she could feel the frustrations building to a dangerous level.

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