|Nobody Likes A Tease|

ابدأ من البداية

After driving for a bit Ivy turned down the radio and spoke.."Soo what was that about?"..I sighed and ran my hand through my hair...I'll tell you in a bit..".."Alright, So where do you wanna go?" she chirped..I thought for a bit well I have no money and I still don't know my way around sooo."..She turned to look at me. "My house?".."Sure." I said with a smile. After driving for a bit I noticed that we drove passed my house and within 4 blocks we were already pulling into her driveway, I looked at her, "You live 4 blocks away from me?"..she smiled, "Yea I guess I do." As we got out of her car and walked into her house, we were greeted by a chocolate labradoodle, he was already full size and so playful, her parents weren't home, and Ivy had already told me that she was an only child. We walked up to her room and she turned on her stereo but not to high, and I sat on her bed as I looked around her room..it was sort of like mine except her bed was a bit smaller and her room was dark purple, mine is auburn red. I also noticed that we like the same bands from the posters on her wall, there was a M83 poster, The White Stripes, Lykki Li, Cold Play, The Arcade Fire, The Killers, and Tegan and Sara..I smiled, "Wow we have basically the same music taste.."..She walled out her closet with a different shirt and jogging pants on, "Really? Good now I have someone to bond over music with." She said as she plopped herself on her bed and turned on the t.v...I paused "Josh doesn't like the same music?"..She kept her eyes on the tv.."Eh somewhat, but he's into stuff like Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin, recently he told me that he likes Angus and Julia Stone though." I nodded my head and looked at the t.v. Ivy sat up, "So have you done what I told you yet?" she asked..I pulled out my phone "Actually yea and I think its working." I showed her the message that Robert read partially..

Ivy's eyes were concentrated on the text from Josh, apart of me felt like she was upset? Im not sure, but her body language and facial expression kind of changed. I looked at her, "So do you think it's working?" I asked with hope in my voice..she handed me my phone and got up and went into her closet, "Yup." she said bluntly. She came back with a shoe box, she took the top off and inside lay 4 small sized square bags with what looked like over sized pieces of dark brocoli there was a little bong and a pack of rectangle see through papers, I looked closer and realized that the bags were filled with weed, not brocoli...I was suprised Ivy didn't seem like the type to smoke. I watched her as she took some out of the baggy and rolled it up into one of the see through papers, she took out her lighter and lit it, she inhaled deeply and let out a cloud of smoke, I watched not knowing if I should give her some privacy or just leave...never before had I smoked, I've been offered but I just never really felt like doing it. She opened her eyes and put out her hand, "Want some?"..I looked at her not knowing what to say.."Uhm...I- I've never smoked before.." She looked at me, and then laughed like I've never heard anyone laugh before..I sat there still not knowing what to do. She caughed abit and looked at me, "You've never had a boyfriend, you've never smoked, and you're 18...what next are you gonna tell me you've never drank?" I starred at her blankly..."Well...I just never found the time to."..she shook her head and sat with her legs criss crossed facing me with her left hand on her thight and her right elbow on her knee with her blunt in her hand, she leaned in to take another hit, "wait....are you..a virgin?" she asked before her lips made contact with the blunt..my cheeks grew red, "yea"..I said lowly. She sprung up from the bed and skipped over to her radio she turned it down and turned back to me, "I can't believe it...you'r like...like a saint!" she exclaimed waving her blunt along with her hands in the air. I chuckled, "No Im not I just haven't really had the chance.." She walked over and sat next to me on the bed, she held out her hand with the blunt in it, "Here take 1 hit but don't swallow, and let it out slowly not all at once. I looked at her and then at the tiny blunt in her hand, she then looked at me reassuringly.."Don't worry you're not gonna get high from 1 hit." I took the blunt in my hands and starred at it, I parted my lips and held it up to my mouth, I closed my eyes and took in a quick hit, I opened my eyes and exhaled..I caughed a bit but not as much as I thought I would, I looked at Ivy, she had a huge grin spread across her face and she started clapping, "Not shabby for a first timer, do you wanna get high?" she asked..I looked at her..."Uh will it hurt?"...she laughed again, "No! it feels great...I don't do this alot...just when I feel stressed or something..besides it's not like I do coke or something, it's just a lil weed."...I looked at the blunt in my hands, "Does Josh smoke?" I asked, she looked at her hands, "He used to be a real pothead, but now he only smokes cigs from time to time.." I shook my head, and took another hit...and then a couple minutes passed and I took another, I handed it over to Ivy and she finished it.

I Want You... (EDITING)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن