He returns

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* Sarah point of view

I woke up to my annoying alarm clock. As I reached over to press snooze my bubbly little sister came in. Me and Rosie are 12 years apart. To only be 5 she's a hyper child.

"Sarah guess what day it is?" She said while jumping on my bed.

"Umm I don't know. Why don't you tell me?" Really I knew I just like when she gets all happy to tell me stuff.

"Its the first day of school silly"she screamed. I never seen somone so happy to go to school. I hate it all these essays and project but longs Rosie happy i"m happy.

"Oh yeah I forgot." Saying sarcastically. "That also mean you should be getting dress." I said while pinching her cheeks.

"Ok, but mom said she will be home late and have a great first day"

I'm glad I know how to drive. Mom sometimes be having late meetings. "Ok. Hurry up and get dress so I can drop you off. You don't want to be late for your first day." She ran out my room so fast. Rosie really love school. Me and my sister has a really good relationship as you can tell, but me and my mom has an ok relationship but we all love each other very much.

~~~~~15 minutes passed before we were ready. I chose to wear a pink shirt that said "I don't do drama" with a black skirt that came to mid thigh and for shoes my black converse. My makeup was done lightly, not to much but enough so you can tell I'm wearing makeup.

"Rosie are you ready?" I screamed.

She didn't respond so I walked done stairs to find her watching her favorite show Adventure time. She loves the fact that animals can talk.

"Rosie time to go."
"Please just 5 more minutes"
"No you have to go school. Now come on." I said while turning off the tv.

She got her backpack and got in the car. As I drove she wanted to listen to her Disney CD, so I put it in for her.

We pulled up to Michaelsons elementary school. "Bye Rosie have a nice day at school."
"I will." She got out the car and ran inside the building.

My school was only 10 minutes away from Rosie's school, and in my defense that's a good thing. When I pulled up to Jefferson High. I turned off the car and walked to Lily. Lily was my bff ( best friend forever). We shared everything with each other.

Lily was wearing this cute polka dot dress I got her for her birthday.

I snuck up from behind her and gave her a hug. "Hey Rose." We had nicknames for each other. Hers was Rose because she loves roses and mine was kitty because I loved cats.

"Hey kitty. You sacred me half to death. So how was your summer?"

"It was pretty good. I watched Rosie most of the time but it was fun. I hung out with George a few times but that was it." George was our guy friend.

"How about you?"
"Nothing much. Have you heard the news?"
"What news?"
"The news that David came back and goes going to our school."
It felt the whole world stop and I was the only one moving. I was speech less. I knew I probably looked pale. David and I had a history together. I wonder why he returned.

"Do you now way he came back?" I whispered off in my own world. Could he have come back for me ? I still like David very much.

Rose snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Huh. What?"

"The word is he came back looking for someone but no one knows who." There's still hope that he could have came back for me again. I knew we had a connection.

"We better get to class." I didn't really want to go to class but I wanted to see if David was up in my first period.

* David point of view

I am David a extraordinary young women charmer. I have moved back to my home town for my on personal reasons. People see me as their typical good guy, But the is more behind the surface.

I was running late for class. I can't be late on my first day back. As I entered the School memories came flowing back. Like the time when me and my pal Jonathan where running down the hallways with water guns squirting everyone, and there's the time I fought with a guy for calling my girlfriend.........ex girlfriend a bitch.

As I push the memories back, I pulled open the math class door. I searched the room looking for familiar faces. I saw James the bully, Katherine the school slut, Kevin the schools jock, an......... and "Sa.......sa.........Sarah?" I said while stuttering. When I said her name she turned to me and froze.

"Da......David?" The whole class was looking at us, even the teacher who looks like he just started here. Well I was gone for 3 years. I broke the silence in the class.

I turned my head to look at the teacher, "Mister ummm......... mister ummm......" I didn't know his name. Thank God he spoke.
"It's mister fandro" (pronounce as : fuh-nan-dro).
"Well mister fandro I am sorry that I was late. I am a new student. My name is David Cortez." "Well David Cortez since this is your first day I will tell you now I don't accept tardiness." "Yes sir"

"Today you will sit by Holly. Holly will you raise your hand please." Holly raised her hand trying to make her boobs show more and guess who she was sitting by my ex girlfriend Clara.


Sneak peek of the next chapter

"Why did you leave in the first place?"

"It's none of your business Rebecca!" She was really getting on my nerves at this point.

"It is my business." I never got how Rebecca could stay so clam during fights like this.

"Not it's not. You are not my mom Rebecca. Go bug someone else."

I walked off without letting her say another word to me. She thought I would easily let her back into my life she had another thing coming.

Rewriting this story again. Hope u like the chapter.

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