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Chapter one of Darkness meets Light

I groan as I feel the minute rays of sunshine, light but so bright, casting on my face, willing me to awaken. I turn to the corner of the room I am currently stuck in. I scrap my nail against the wall and mark another day of my life...gone.

Like every day for the past few years, I fall to the ground and cry. I cry for how life could be so cruel to me and for what I could possibly have done to feel this way. They hurt me not only physically but emotionally as well and if I refuse their orders, they hurt me even more. 

I am given a tray full of food from under the door, but am unable to see who delivers it to me. All I see is the same piece of paper, demanding me to eat and do as I am told. If I refuse, they will continue to do what they have for the past many years, use me and then throw me.

Since the first day of my life, I was treated like a mistake; I remember never being able to go out, always hidden like I was a dirty secret. My mother would scream at me telling me how I ruined her life and that having me was the biggest mistake she ever made. But all I ever did was stay back and stay quiet, knowing better than to anger her. I never asked her why she disliked me so much, or why every night she would leave me inside this house; alone and scared. I was always unloved and maybe that's why this feeling was something I had become so used to, that it no longer hurt anymore.

I think back to the day I thought things would change; I was ten and my mother walked inside the house with a smile on her face. For the first time in my life I had seen my mother smile and the loss of hope I felt was ...gone.

My mother looked straight into my eyes and said," Our lives are going to be good from now on, don't worry." And I remember at that moment, I genuinely felt happy, happy that my mother wasn't yelling at me or throwing empty beer bottles at me but was reassuring me that things' would be okay. I laugh now thinking how stupid I was to believe that my life would ever change, I remember stepping foot into that car and that was the day my life ended. The day I was brought here, and lived through my own personal Hell.

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