The Escape

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Running out the doors you made your way down the halls. You knew this place like the back of your hand, as cleche as it sounded. Looking back over your shoulder to make sure the young man was following you, you growled. He was about ten feet behind you, Too far, grab him. And you did just that. Skidding to a halt you quickly grabbed his hoodie strings and made a run for the front dobble doors. As soon as you reached them Jeff (as you learned his name was) yanked you toward the woods and you both made a mad dash inside them.

*Timeskip Of GamTav sloppy makeouts*

It had been quite for as while now, seeing as the white coats where not after you both. Gog, This is boring as fuck. Hey, hey kid, go pester the boy. Nodding you run up beside him and look up with bored eyes. "Where are we heading to?" You deadpanned. He looked down as if only just remembering you where with him. "DisneyWorld" he snapped, you roll your eyes. He then looks back down, worriedly. You winder what he's thinking.

Reader Be Jeff;

You are now Jeff, and damn are you an idiot. You just brought a random chick to the inside of the cp mansion grounds. Sure, she looks like one of you, with her moonlit skin, and glossy black eyes, and lets not forget about those lovely brea- OH SHIT!!!!
Your name is Jeff, and you just did the most cliche thing ever, and tripped on a gogdamn rock.

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