Sixth grade terror

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A/N please watch the video I personally like it 😉

The beginning of school started. Hoping I would end up in the one in only class.. with him <3. But no. I had to be with the dumb Mr.Jackle aka Mr.mean. No one liked him. My guy was in the best class! Mrs.Issy!! I loved his deep brown eyes that somehow turned grey when you stared into them long enough. The way he smiles at you when you make him laugh. He had perfect side swept dirty blonde hair and straight smile that goes deep into your heart when your looking at his eyes. He is tall but kind of short, but mainly tall. He was cute for a sixth grader.. probably cutest in the sixth grade population!

"Alright class find your name." The teacher said loudly. I wasn't familiar with these faces. It seemed weird to have friends from only one class which was only one friend and probably even two! Anyway the middle of the year happened. I had everyone wrapped around my finger. I was the most popular in the class. Well most popular girl.

"Ok, okay truth or dare Jocelyn?!" I said excitedly. "Uh truth!" She said kind of scared but yet still excited. "Ok is it true..." I leaned in closer and said "You like Angelo?" I only asked because he was cute. But small so we called him shorty. She leaned in a whispered "yes I do" she said sadly. My eyes widened. Me and my friend Alana looked over at Jace which was her major crush for only a couple months. Not knowing I had a huge crush on him. "Does Jace have a girlfriend?" She said biting her lip. "Yeah. Jacklynn, she used to be my friend. Until I realized she's a total bi-" Jocelyn said slowly and quietly so no one could hear it.

"Wait what who?! Where is she" Alana said sadly but still seemed interested. i was dozed of into Jace's eyes where they were kind of squinted to where he was laughing. He looked over towards me, and I looked towards Jocelyn and smiled. "She's right there in the glasses" Jacklynn pointed towards a tall, black haired Mexican (sorry if that sounds racist just being real specific) , that had freckles around the rims. I scowled at her as she flipped her long black hair. She was ugly honestly. But that might be just because I was jealous. "Ew he has horrible taste!" Alana said with a frown. "Yeah but not everyone bases it off of hotness. " I said with a smile.

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A few weeks past. "Hey uh. I need you to ask Jace if Christina said anything about me" a familiar voice behind me said as I play with my pencils. "Yeah sure" I said knowing it was Alana. I turned around and looked at her and said in a questionable way "did Christina tell Jace you-" She put her hand over my mouth because I said it pretty loud. She shushed me and let go once I licked her hand.

"Hey Jace" I motioned him towards me. I had my binder in my arms like I was carrying a book. "Huh?" Jace said coming over towards me. He put his arm on the wall in a flirty way. "Did you uh-" I said being interrupted. "Hey Jace stop flirting with Aubrey." Max said and he walked away. "I am-" But he stopped because max walked away to fast. I giggled and he leaned a tad closer but not enough to notice that he's close. Because he was already close. i was lost into his eyes. And he smiled. "Oh sorry I was thinking about something. Did you hear anything about Alana that Christina could've said?" I said slowly staring into his beautiful eyes. "Nope.. Why" he said removing his arm and taking a step away. "Oh nothing." I said knowing that he knew that Alana liked him.

*A couple of months past* "Hey Issabell!" I said hugging her. She's been sick for the last week. I wanted to get sick with her but she said no our education is too 'important'. "Hey girl!" Issa said. "Your not sick anymore?" I said in confusion. The doctor said two weeks not one. "Oh yeah. And I got tickets!!" Issa said with a smile. "For what?" I said grabbing the tickets from her pocket while looking confused. "To the RaeLynn concert!" Issa said snatching them back.

"You have four. Are your parents coming?"


"Are my parents coming?"


"Is Lacy and Alana coming?"

"Uh maybe if my plan doesn't work"

"What's your plan?"

"Only to find dates to RaeLynn"

I snatched the tickets one last time and studied them.

"Oh.. MY GOODNESS! these are vip pre show parties and backstage passes! These cost a fortune!"

"Not if you wanted to sing for RaeLynn and be her kart time minion!

"Your saying I get to Singh for RaeLynn and she gets to come to my house!"

"Of course! It's inly your dream!!"

I hugged her for a couple seconds till I pulled away.. "Wait, the guy I like has a girlfriend!" I said glaring her in the eye. She had something up her sleeve.

"Oh.. Right well I was planning on a break up between them." she said with a crooked smile.

"Alright that's why I like having a friend that is a best friend of hers" I said winking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2015 ⏰

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