Chapter 3 Where the Wild Things Are

Start from the beginning

"You're kidding right?" I look at Tommy's surprised face.


"Huh. That could be interesting," Tommy replies. I'm curious too. Not that I could see myself doing any of that stuff, but I'm interested to see what it's all about. I'd read a few things about bdsm, fiction and non-fiction, and found reading those books...well, arousing, to say the least. Okay, maybe they turned me on a lot. Like a real lot. Especially the ones about the big, muscly Dominant guy overpowering the smaller guy. I don't know why I find that so hot, but I do. I just...I didn't think I'd be able to do anything in front of an audience and I'm not too keen on the idea of pain, but it all sounds very out of the realm of any of my experience, which makes me curious. I never really thought about where these clubs might be, I always assumed they were in crazy places like L.A. or maybe New York so I'm surprised to find out that there's one here in Chicago and, that my three new friends are members.

"So, like, would we have to do anything?" I ask Ashton.

"No, you wouldn't be allowed to. You'd be our guests. I'm not even fully trained yet, Chris just finished his training, Tai has a Dom though, his first."

"So you're all, um, submissives?" For some reason I'm surprised about this, I just can't see Ashton as a submissive, he struck me more as a Dom.

"Yeah, well Chris may be a switch, he's still exploring, but Master Matthias, trained him as a submissive since he was leaning more that way, plus Master Matthias thought he needed more control and discipline before he could even think of dominating anyone. If he proves himself as a sub, and he still wants to try Dominance, Master Matthias or one of the other Doms in charge will work with him."

Yeah, sounds like Chris. He's pretty crazy, I bet he'd be enduring a lot of punishments. "It's kind of hard to explain why I want to be a submissive," he continues, "why I want to submit to someone else. I'd have to say it's the control I'll gain when giving up control, if that makes sense. Yes, you're giving up control to your Dominant but doing that gives you control as well. Your Dominant will take care of you, not only financially because that'd make submissives sound like sugar babies and that's not the case Payton. Dominants take care of their submissives physically, sexually, emotionally and mentally. When you submit to a Dominant, they guide you, they teach you and they protect you. Submissives gain control of their mind, their attitude because all they have left to worry about is themselves since the Dominant takes the burden of everything else away. But for me, becoming a submissive is more about finding sexual pleasure with kinks. To me, becoming a submissive is about finding myself."

Wow, not only am I surprised by the content of his answer, but the length as well. Ashton was usually so succinct, but I appreciate the detailed explanation. Not only does it explain more about what a submissive is and why; it gives me deeper insight into who Ashton is, and I figure he's not that open with too many people, so for him to explain himself so thoroughly is like a compliment to us. I'm sure he was reading the surprise and interest on my face, because he blushes slightly and looks away.

As I think about it, I realize his explanation makes the idea of a being a submissive very inviting. I don't want to say anything right away, but his words really hit home and I definitely want to find out more about this club.

"What about Lane? Should we invite him too?" Tommy asks, causing me to look up, and, speak of the devil, he's walking towards us with a big shit eating grin on his face.

"If he wants, he'd just have know, not be so crazy," Ashton says quietly.

"Hey Lane," we all greet him as he reaches us.

"We're going for burritos," Tommy says, "my treat." Ashton and I look at him, that wasn't part of the original plan.

"I'm done for the day and I never turn down a free meal, count me in," Lane replies dropping his skateboard on the sidewalk and grabbing the strap on my backpack so I'd pull him along. Lazy ass.

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