Chapter 1

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Don't get the wrong impression here, yeah when I was 6 and my mother was around everyone wore those medieval clothes and it all looked like something from the 1500's, but in the past 10 years we have evolved quite a lot. We have finally been brought up to 21st century standards. I know hard to believe right?

Anyway, as I am walking down through the fields that separate my realm from the human realm, I begin thinking about what life could be like down there. I mean it would be so cool to live in a real house and have a phone and a laptop and I don't know what this internet thing is but I want that too! The one thing I really want though, love. I love the idea of love, having someone look into your eyes like you are the only person in the world, have someone touch me so gently like you are a fragile piece of glass. I want someone who cares for me and treats me with respect, someone who I can trust and go to whenever I am feeling lonely, down, silly, happy or anything. My whole life I have been alone, yeah sure for a little while I had my mother and her stupid bird, but they were never there for me. I want someone who can hold me tight and tell me it will be alright.

My thoughts get interrupted when I trip into a ditch just outside the fences of the little village, well town actually. Just as I am about to get up I hear some shouting, cheering and motors running? What? I look to my right and see 3 figures on what looks to be dirt bikes speeding my way, I quickly get up for fear that they won't see me and ride over me. Just as I get to my feet the first boy rides straight past me about an inch from riding into me! The other boys have enough time to stop and shout for the first boy to come back. They just stare at me, what are they looking at? Do they recognize me? No don't be silly, they couldn't. One of the boys clears his throat as if to start talking.

"Hey there, you don't look like you are from around here, I'm Aiden, what's your name?" His voice is golden.
"Hi, you're right, I'm not from around here, my name is Melissa"
"Well Melissa lovely to meet you! This is Hunter and Declan"
Hunter gives me a smirk and Declan acknowledges me with a wave.
"So what brings you down here?" Declan asks politely
I have to think of something quick, I am here to see my aunt? No umm I came for food? What am I thinking, no.
"Well you see, my parents recently died and I have no place to go, so I started to wander and found my way here" yeah that works, good thinking Mel
"Oh my gosh I am so sorry, well here, you can jump on the back of my bike and we can take you into town, you can even stay with me if you want". This Aiden boy was quite nice, and he isn't bad looking either.

I jump on the back of the bike with Aiden and we ride into town, as we ride past people everyone stares at me, again I can't figure out why? We get to Aiden's house and I see that Hunter lives on one side and Declan on the other, they are inseparable.

We go inside Aiden's house, this house is amazing! It's so open and so many windows letting in the sunny day. Aiden tells me to take a seat in the kitchen and he will be right there after he takes off his riding gear. As I am sitting there I see a plate of dark brown squares, I think its called chocolate? I have always wanted to try it, as Aiden comes back he notices me eyeing off the candy and offers me one. It is life changing! So smooth and sweet, it tastes like nothing I have ever had before! As we leave the kitchen I quickly have one more piece, I can see myself getting addicted to that rather quickly.

As Aiden is taking me on a tour of his house I see a mirror on one of the walls and I have to go have a see, I need to know if my outfit actually does look good, as we walk past I am too short to see into it, well that blows.

"So you can sleep in my sisters old room, she moved out a couple years ago"
"Thank you Aiden, you are so kind, opening your house up to a complete stranger"
"Well just please don't be a murderer and kill me in my sleep, then we should be fine". Aiden starts to smile.
"What about your parents?"
"They are always away on business, so it's fine. It will actually be nice to have someone else in the house for once."
"Thank you so much Aiden"

I walk into my new room and look around, it seems like a really nice room, there was a queen size bed in the middle of the room with a beauty table to the left and a wardrobe to the right. The entire room has been painted blue, it is actually a really nice room. I notice that Aiden's sister has left some clothes in her wardrobe, I must remember to ask him if I can borrow them. As I turn to leave the room I see a flash of purple catches my eye. I turn around and see a mirror, I almost scream, it's not my outfit that is the problem, it's my purple hair! That's new! I suppose that is why everyone is staring at me. No but my hair has always been brown, like always ... since when does your hair change ... I have to go home and look in the box mother left me. But before that I want to live in the human realm for a while.

"Melissa? Melissa where are you?"
"In here!"
"Hey so the other boys and I are going to a bon fire tonight, do you want to come?"
"Yeah, I'd love to, but I have nothing to wear"
"Oh you can wear my sisters stuff if you want, it's not like she will be using them anytime soon"
"You are way too nice Aiden"
"Nah" he laughs "don't mention it"

I start looking through all the clothes that I could wear and I find these really nice timberland boots that go perfectly with these dark blue jeans and a blue and white stripy T-shirt, the only thing I can't find is a perfect jacket, it shouldn't matter though, I'll just stay close to the fire.

"Are you ready yet Melissa?"

I come through to the kitchen where Aiden is waiting for me, he looks amazing, wearing vans with low riding chinos and a belt to help hold them up, followed by a white shirt covered by a black suit jacket. I must have been staring, because Aiden says my name like he had said 3 times already.

"Sorry, sorry yep I'm good to go"
"Sweet, shall we?"
"We shall"

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