Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Edward Trent

The rest of the ride home was silent. I rushed up the old wooden stairs to get to my room, slamming my door behind me. I rushed to the bathroom, turning the shower all the way to burning hot, and sat still in the tub for a long time. I got up and scrubbed my skin until it bled, thinking of his hands all over me and his smell of cigarettes.  I climbed on to my bed wearing only my towel and cried for hours on end into my pillow. Remembering the harsh words exchanged, and also the sleepless nights that all brought me to think about him. The one who hurt me, the one who damaged my soul, even though I thought he would be the last person on Earth to do that.

   Corey was my last boyfriend. I loved him with all my heart. I even thought he was my hibrea. Well, I had a reason to think that, his time was only a few seconds off mine. One night, we fought, bad. He slammed me into a couple of walls even bashed my face a couple times, causing me to call Hash. After Hash saw the damage displayed across every inch of my body, he beat Corey so bad he almost killed him. After the confrontation, Hash took me to the hospital. I had a broken rib, two broken fingers, and my nose was split right open. Corey had also raped me, causing me emotional damage instead of the obviously visible physical damage. Hash was the only one who knew, knows. That’s the favor I’ve asked him to keep from my parents, since they were out on a long holiday when it all occurred.

   Yes, Corey left me feeling dark. I hid, away from life, and it’s constant rollercoaster ride. I just couldn’t take it anymore, I felt completely and utterly broken. After a year I started climbing out of my shell, getting used to the new found face I wore each day, smiling, even laughing. Maybe everything does get better in the end.

   Yes, I still shy away from human contact but at least I was alive again. He changed me forever, and I will never forgive him.

   The next day I woke up with a start. Damn, school. I rushed and put myself together and jumped in the car. “Hi, are you okay from yesterday?” Hash asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” I lied.

  We drove in silence the rest of the way. When we arrived in the parking lot I noticed a new car in the spot next to Hash’s. “I thought that spot was always empty, well after Johnny left.”

   “It is.” My brother said with a frown. Johnny was his best friend until   he committed suicide. He wanted to break the clock system and randomly decided to drive off the bridge on the outside of town. When the officers found him his clock had ran out, all of them. It was a huge blow all over the country; no one had tried a stunt like that before. But it made everyone realize that you cannot outsmart your time, it will always be there and follow you.

  I walked into school, went to my locker and waited for Anna. But she either was late or stayed home so I walked to gym alone. I looked around for the new face that occupied Johnny’s old spot, but all the faces I came across we’re still the same gray, flat faces as yesterday and the day before.

   I wrote in my planner:

·         Trig test Tuesday (STUDY)

·          Mr. Lange’s essay due Thursday

·         Ms. Lunny’s flash cards on Monday

·         Human Geography test Monday (STUDY)

    Well it looks like I’ll be stuck home all weekend, I said to myself.

   The day dragged on, with my stomach fluttering all the while, knowing that tomorrow is the day. The day I meet that one special person that will change my life. Oh god, too much fluttering, I think I might be sick. Hash drove home as fast as he could. I don’t think he wanted to clean his car if I actually did get too uneasy.

  I ran up to my room, shut my door, and turned up the music as loud as it will go. Suddenly a knock started at my door. “Hey Leah, can I come in? Your mom is letting me stay the night so I can help you with tomorrow.”

  Oh yeah, Anna. “Awesome, come in”

    As she walked in I knew this would be a long night. She carried in eight bags, three for makeup, two for hair, two more for clothes, and only one for her actual stuff. “Holy shit, are those torture devices?”

  “No! I’m here to help you remember! We will be up most of the night but it will be totally worth it.” Anna expressed with a grin.

   “Sounds great, I’m just so nervous!” I sighed, laying back onto my bed.

  “Don’t worry, he’ll love you.”

Anna started setting up everything. We would be sleeping for only four hours and then getting ready from two in the morning till we leave for school at six. But trust me, I needed the time.

We started with hair at 2am. She made loose curls that fell down to my mid back with a braid pulled around from the side, to the back of my head. “You look freaking gorgeous Leah! Now onto makeup.” She said with a devilish grin, rubbing her hands together.

  “Oh no, just don’t poke me in the eye with eyeliner or anything like that okay?” I replied.

  “Don’t worry; I won’t do it on purpose I know you’re sensitive.” As she winked at me. So that means I will probably leave for school with my eyes aching.

  A few more hours passed and I was ready. I left with smokey eyes and a black dress with matching black wedges. “Damn Anna, I actually look sort of decent.” I said with my eyes wide.

  “No problem! But you better be this dedicated with me when my clock runs out.”

  “I totally will, just don’t rely on me too hard; I’m not good at this kind of stuff.”

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