True Mates

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Werewolves have always had mates; but in this werewolf story, it can get a bit complicated. Every werewolf has two mates. Once you turn 16 you meet your first mate. It can happen at anytime starting at midnight when you come of age. You don't feel the pull until your eyes meet. In that fraction of a second, your hearts and minds are opened to each other. You may not have ever met them, but for that moment, looking into each others eyes for the first time, you know everything about them. You have the option to either accept or reject them, and if one decides to reject the other for whatever reason, the second you break eye contact the bond is broken, as if it never happened. If they accept each other, the mate bond isn't instant. You have time to fall in love with your mate, it's not rushed. The bond strengthens over time and anywhere from 2-8 years later it kicks in full force, depending on when the couple is ready. 

If you are rejected, or your mate dies, you get a second chance mate. The pull between second chance mates is slightly stronger than your first mate, and it works faster. This is so rejection is less likely, but there is always the possibility you could reject or be rejected. It's rare, but it happens.

True mates are almost unheard of. If you are rejected twice, there is a 1 in a billion chance that you could meet your true mate. The bond is instant; you weren't simply made for each other, you are one in the same; a perfect match. It is impossible to fight with your true mate. You would do literally anything to make them happy. Your life becomes bliss just being near them, and you can't imagine life without them.

Many mate-less wolves dream of their true mate,  but your mate is perfect for you; whether they are your first, second, or third is irrelevant. But some people don't understand this, and reject their first and second mate so they can find their true mate. They don't realize that in rejecting your first or second mate, it eliminates the possibility of getting another. Which is why rejection is so greatly frowned upon.

True mates, however rare they are, do happen. Alphas are more likely to get them because of how they strengthen each other, and Alphas must be strong for their packs.

Now, onto another topic. Humans have been eradicated from the earth, and the world is divided into 4 kingdoms. The first and second kingdoms are werewolves, the third is vampires, and the forth is whatever you want it to be, if you adopt the story. There are about 2 billion supernaturals in each kingdom. The story is based around werewolves and the two werewolf kingdoms are rivals. The kingdoms each have a royal family and is divided into thousands of packs. With permission from the Royals, packs can merge and new packs can be formed. 

The story line is meant to be changed to fit whatever you imagine it to be like, and I have multiple ways it could go. I was thinking of it being around true mates and the struggle to find each other. Wars and death and love and such, the norm. A battle that kills her first mate and a second chance mate that doesn't want her. A first mate that dies giving birth to his child, neither of them surviving and an abused second mate that is so terrified of the past and future she kills herself. Whatever. I don't really have anything else, that just popped into my mind this morning. Adios!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2015 ⏰

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