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Makayla's pov

Today is my first day of 13th grade at Long shore High School. I woke up pretty early, took a shower, put on my clothes, drank my medicine, got my bag and went to the car. I was waiting for a few minutes when Cole and Tatiana finally got to the car.

“Morning” I said cheerfully and they both just rolled their eyes at me, no surprise there. “Hey Tatiana can you please hold my bag for a second” I asked her nicely and she just smirked taking the bag from me. I thanked her and took out a small hair brush so that I could brush my very short hair( thanks a lot radiation therapy).

When I was finally done I looked over at Tatiana, but my bag wasn’t with her. “Where’s my bag” I asked and she pointed out the window. “Have a great day” Cole and Tatiana said sarcastically before they drove off, nearly running me over. I just sighed and picked my new bag off of the ground and started walking to class

I felt completely fine, but by now I’ve learnt that my body loves playing tricks on me. One minute I’m fine, the next I can’t breathe. I was just about to get there when I felt a sharp pain in my chest and my breathing became quick and short. I ran to my class, put my bag down and sat on the floor.

After a few minutes my breathing was back to normal, and luckily to because one of my best friends started walking towards me. “Hey Mack, new look” my friend, Francesca asked and I laughed slightly. “Ya I guess you could say that” I said and she laughed. “Come on, let’s go to the field, I wana hear about your holiday” she said and I nodded before we went to the field We seemed to be talking and laughing for what seemed like eternity, which in fact was actually just ten minutes when we spotted Alex and Lana standing by the classroom. “Hey guys” we said greeting them. “Hey” they replied. “Wow Mack what’s up with the short hair, you trying to copy me” Alex asked and the four of us laughed. “Ya sure I am” I said sarcastically and again we laughed. Again we seemed to be talking for eternity when we saw Kaitlin walking towards. “Hey Kat” we said and she smiled when she saw us. “Hey g---Mack what’s up with the hair” she asked. “It’s a new look okay stop asking” I said and she just rose her eyebrow laughing.

Finally our new teacher Mrs. Francis opened the door and we rushed in and sat as a group in the back, except for Kat because she can’t see from the back, even with her glasses so she sat in the front. Right in front of Mrs. Francis desk. We ran outside again and started talking when the bell rang. Since Kat, Fran, Alex and I aren’t prefects we said goodbye to our prefect friends Adel, Teal, Lorain and Jessica who had to go get their classes for assembly and lined up as Lana went to her own class. After a long assembly we went back to class.

“Good morning class” Mrs. Francis said as we got into class. “Good morning Mrs. Francis” we said sounding like zombies. “How are you today” she asked. “Fine thank you and how are you” we asked still sounding like zombies. “I’m fine thank you, you may sit down” she said before we did. She started explaining the rules of the class and what was expected of us and all that stuff but I wasn’t realy listening. After we got all our books and stuff we started talking about the holiday. “Makayla how was your holiday” she asked and I shrugged. “Besides the cancer great” I said but I said it in my head so only I could hear it. “It was good I guess” I replied and she nodded slowly.

Finally the bell for the end of the day rung and everyone shuffled out of class. I was just walking with my friends onto the field when that sharp pain hit me and I just fell to my knees and pretended like I was sitting down. “Mack are you okay” the class clown Jason asked me and I nodded. You see at school I’m that popular girl that everyone just talks to.

Finally my dad came to pick me up( thank goodness). “Hey dad” I said giving him a hug. “Hey how was your day” he asked. “Fine” I replied. My dad lives in Port Elizabeth but as soon as he found out I had cancer he came here. It’s not that my mom and dad are divorced. They’re actually happily married but my dad’s job is in Port Elizabeth and my mom’s job’s here.

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if I died would anyone miss meحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن