I. Moving In

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      Jaden grabbed two boxes stacked on one another from the large moving van, then walked up into his new room to set them down.

        "It looks so empty," Jaden noticed.

        "That's because it's a clean slate," his mother Mama J said coming up behind him. "That or it's because we just moved here. Now c'mon, we need to grab more boxes."

          Mama J and Jaden conversed as they went back outside to the moving truck.

      "Why'd you even wanna move to Hillcrest, Louisiana, Mama? I miss California. I miss my friends."

        "I moved here because this is where I grew up," she explained, "I missed this place ever since I moved to California with your father. There, we had you. But since he's overseas, I decided to move here so we could see our family and you could feel more connected. But there's a lot of characters here. Wise ones, strange ones and the girls ain't too bad either."

       Jaden cracked a smile.

     "Don't worry, you'll make some new friends. There's even a basketball court down the street where the park is."

       "There's a basketball court?" Jaden said excited.


       "Ma, can I go?" Jaden pleaded with wide eyes.

      "Who's gonna help me carry all these boxes?"

       "I will," stated a deep voice almost sounding like Lou Rawls.

       Mama J turned around to the tall, dark man. 

       "Well, hel-lo."

     Jaden rolled his eyes, grabbed his basketball and sprinted to the court. He had dreams of playing on his favorite basketball team, the Los Angeles Clippers. He admired Blake Griffin's athleticity and Chris Paul's speed. Long story short, he wanted his dreams to happen and one way or another he'll accomplish it.

       When he showed up at the basketball court, he paid no attention to the guys who were already there. He made shot after shot after shot. Free throws, three pointers - anything you could name.

       "You're pretty good," one of the boys complimented. "I never seen you around here before. Are you new?"

        The boy was white with blonde hair who spoke with a confident yet humble tone.

        "Yeah, my name's Jaden Brooks. I just moved right down the street."

        "Do you live where that mom is making out with that dark dude?" The boy asked.

        Jaden turned around to witness his mother making out with someone she barely knew as if their  lips were glued together or it was their last seconds on Earth.

        "Yep, that's it."

       "Nice, I'm London Devereaux." He held out his hand for a handshake.

       "Good to meet you. How old are you?" Jaden asked as he shook hands.


       "Aye, I am too." Jaden smiled.

       "You going to Hillcrest High, right?"


       "I could already tell we're going to be cool," London cheekily smiled.

       Mama J began to shout Jaden's name from afar as the man was holding on to her waists kissing her neck. "Jaden, I'mma need you to finish up taking up these boxes!"

      "Aight, I have to go. I'll catch you tomorrow," Jaden said reluctantly.

      "Peace, man." 

      London watched Jaden as he jogged away to his house, almost turning to staring.

     "Yo man," one of London's friends said patting the back of their hand on his shoulder, "what are you lookin' at?"

     "Nothing, man, let's just play our game." He took his eyes off Jaden and starting dribbling the basketball.

     "Good, 'cause I ain't got time to be third-wheeled and shit."

    The next morning, Jaden woke up in his semi-decorated room. He had a dream about his friends back in California wondering what happened to their long-lost friend the night before. Jaden rubbed his eyes free from the eye sand and eye boogers, threw off the covers and started to get dressed for his first day at the high school.

    He didn't know what to expect from the school, and thought about if he was going to fit in or make any friends at all. The negative thoughts were on his mind as he took a shower, that and how to use the controls. He thought about this until he figured out his own mental solution. Look good and have confidence. Jaden hardly ever had feelings of self doubt as he did that morning. But he also never transferred into a new school in January either. So he slipped on his Elites and Jordan 13's and headed out for his first day at Hillcrest High School.

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