Time after Time

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I just stared at him. What he was telling me made absolutely no sense at all. I wanted to cry again. I wanted to rip his face off. 

"So you're telling me," I began, " that Damon and Stefan's mom got her witch-vampire friends to sow your head back on and bring you back from the dead?"

He still had that concentrating look on his face as he answered with a clipped, "yes."

I continued to stare at him in utter disbelief.

"Look. Crazier things have happened," he added.

I rolled my eyes because I knew he was right.

"And you're also telling me that the witch-vampires that got locked in a 1903 prison world for centuries without barely any blood, wants to come back in peace and live like normal people?"

"....More or less," he said.

I couldn't believe it. No way, no how. He was lying, he had to be. The vampire-witches were probably going to pop out now and suck me dry out of my blood.

But the look on Kai's face told me otherwise.

"I'm telling the truth. I was just as surprised as you were when she told me. But none of this is what I really want to talk to you about," he seemed to be getting slightly frustrated.

"Oh, so now we're talking? Having a conversation? Because if we were, my hands would be untied and we would be talking like normal people," I retorted.

"....You know I can't do that," he stated back with a pained look.

I glared at him. "Whatever. Continue."

He took a deep breath, then let it out. Oh no.

"Bonnie - ,"

"Stop there," he paused in surprise at my interruption. " I told you I don't want to hear an apology. I meant it."

He sighed. "Just listen," before I could say anything else, he began again. 

" When you left me alone in 1903 I couldn't stop crying. And I think the betrayal hurt me more than actually being left there," I winced.

Sucks doesn't it? I thought.

" So when I found the vampire-witches... I gladly let them turn me....because I knew. Turning was the only way I would make it out 1903 and actually be able to get revenge. Because after I turned... I would be able to turn my humanity off."

As I heard his words, I immediately understood how he could've went into that prison world a person with at least some heart... and come out to perform what he had done.

Of course.

His humanity had been turned off.

"So yeah. I turned it off," he said as if he read my mind.

I continued to stare at him as he pieced together the next thing he was about to tell me.

"....But, when I saw you dying...on that floor..." he seemed choked up.

Was he about to cry? His humanity can't possibly still be turned off.

"When I saw you...dying by my hand... I don't know what happened. But my humanity suddenly flicked back on. It was like I flicked it on...but without knowing it. But ....then Damon..." he trailed off.

Damon knocked your head off... I finished.

There was a pause as I continued to stare at him wide-eyed. I almost broke though when I caught a tear roll down his cheek.

Why did he care so much about me? 

But I knew I couldn't trust this. This could be a trap. A show. A performance.

"What makes you think I'm going to believe you? Your humanity could still be off. This could be a trap," I repeated out loud.

His head was hung down, so when he slowly looked up at me It took me all my might not to hug him...even though I couldn't due to my restraints.

He had that mad man look. That man on fire. The same one Damon Salvatore had the day we laid Elena to rest.

But before either of us could say anything, I heard a loud zipping noise. Right next to my ears. Like the world was being unzipped but I could only hear it. Both of our heads shot up because of the sound.

"Dammit," he whispered in frustration.

His spell wore off...which means -

"Motis," he said.

And the world went black.

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