Chapter 8, "She's like family to ME."

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Jason's POV -

"Where is she." I asked Timothy in a low voice with my jaw clenched.

"Oh, she's where you left her. I'm ready for tomorrow, aren't you?" he chuckled.

Mark laughed along with him form the corner of my eye.

"I'll take that as a yes. Don't worry, though. I'm just getting started." and with that, he hung up.

I started running towards my car.

I got in, and went really really fast down the street.


Finally, I reached Carters house and saw almost 10 cop cars parked outside.

I parked my car on the curb and ran inside.

5 pairs of eyes met mine.

One, Jasmine's. Four others, cops. And the last pair, Stokes'.

"Jason you're under arrest." Stokes told me, coming closer.

I backed up. "For what?" I asked. I really didn't do anything..

"We got a call from a 'Timothy' telling us you shot someone that you wanted revenge on." He said. What the hell is he talking about?

"I didn't do it, I was out the whole time!" I yelled.

Stokes motioned the other 4 cops to leave, leaving only me, Stokes, and Jasmine in the room.

"Yeah, of course you where. Put your hands behind your back." He told me. I can't tell him what's going down tomorrow....I have to sneak out of the jail house by tomorrow night.

I put my hands behind my back and just before he was about to shove me out the door, I looked back at Jasmine.

"Let me tell her one thing before I leave." I told Stokes.

"No, keep walking McCann." He shoved me.

"I said, let me talk to her." I turned around and walked past Stokes, hitting his shoulder and making my way to Jasmine.

"Jason, I-" I cut her off.

"I'll get out tonight, and hopefully be here tomorrow afternoon. I'll call Hux-Bee or Elizabeth in so they can make sure Timothy does nothing to hurt you." I told her, keeping my eyes on Stokes.

I didn't look at Jasmine, but 2 soft arms wrapped around my body. I looked down, only to see Jasmine hugging me tight. I wish I could hug her back.

"Hey, we don't have time for this." Stokes yelled.

"I'll be back, maybe tonight." I told her, as she let go.

I started walking towards Stokes and turned back towards Jasmine when I got to the door way. She had tears in her eyes, and it looks like she was about to break down.


"What was Jasmine doing at Carter's house?" Stokes asked me, sitting down in the seat across from me.

"I don't have to tell you anything." I told him, looking away.

"Tell me, or you WILL be arrested." he yelled.

I looked up at him and shook my head. "You have no proof that I did anything, other than a phone call from Timothy who's lying. There-for, you can't hold me here."

"He's got a point." the officer said, standing behind Stokes.

"I don't care. I'll let you go, but if you lay ONE hand on my daughter and I mean ONE SINGLE FINGER!" he yelled, getting in my face while the other officer held him back. I didn't even flinch.

I got up, and went halfway out of the room and said, "Don't worry, you can't tell me what to do."

I closed the door as Stokes started walking towards me.

I walked out the door of the jail house and left.


Jasmine's POV -

I sat on the couch next to Elizabeth and Hux-Bee, watching T.V.

I hope Jason is okay.....wait, what am I thinking? Of course he's okay. He's Jason freaking McCann.

I smiled a little bit and shook all the bad things out of my head.

Jason came bursting through the door, throwing the keys on the table.

"Hux-Bee, Elizabeth get up we need to work." he told them, walking into a room that had guns everywhere.

They followed closely behind as Jason closed the door behind them.

I tried listening to their conversation as closely as I could, so I sat down next to the door.

"Timothy is probably going to set up his things here, so we need to be somewhere around here." I heard Jason say.

"Why are we even doing this, Jason. We don't need an extra add on to take care of." I head a low voice say, probably Hux-Bee....wait, I'm an add on??

"She's not an add on, Hux-Bee. She's, I guess." Jason told him.

I' I smiled to myself, blushing like an idiot.

"What do you mean shes family? You don't have any family, Jason." Elizabeth asked.

"She's like family to ME. She doesn't care what I do, and she won't judge me for any money in the world. Okay? We need to keep her safe, and by doing that we need to kill Timothy. He wants her, and he's never going to stop until he has her. Do you both understand this!?" Jason yelled.

They started planning again, and I went upstairs into the room that Hux-Bee told me to stay in.

I thought about everything. Jason and I, and whats happening.

He wants her, and he's never going to stop until he has her.

She doesn't care what I do, and she won't judge me for any money in the world.

She's like family to me.

All those simple words kept running through my mind.

I heard quiet foot-steps walking into my room, and I felt a body lay down next to me.

I pretended that I was sleeping, but I think I know who it is..

I felt a blanket hit my body softly, and a warm arm wrap around my waist, pulling me closer.


I felt like I was dreaming, but I felt his arm hold me tightly as he said 2 simple words.

Thank you.

never let you go ↦ jason mccann fanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon