just like heaven (l.h) // available

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why won't you ever know that i'm in love with you?
in which a boy never tells the girl how he really feels
i got the idea from the song Just Like Heaven by The Cure (its on the side, give it a listen.)

you can interpret the song differently, but in my eyes the song is about a boy and girl madly in love. she tells him how she feels, but he never says his feelings aloud, only thinks of all the reasons he loves her. by not saying anything, the girl takes it as he doesn't. she doesn't understand that he does, so much he get choked up at the thought of her.

ALSO it could be from his pov, he has this reoccurring dream about this girl he likes A LOT saying she loves him and all the good stuff, but he's never talked to her until one day she does. ;~;

i have so many feelings about this idea, i have more plots in mind if you're interest.

previously owned TO AwkwardlyHemmings

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