Getting ready for the party!!

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Niall's Pov

After we got home from school, Sky brought me the clothes I asked for an went to over to Liam's house and got changed there. I had my clothes ready but my hair was having a bad day today I need Sky.

Sky's Pov

I was ready just waiting for the girls when I heard Niall wanted me so I had to go out the back door and round to Liam's Niall was having a bad hair day.

Louis's Pov

We was all getting ready at Liam's house when Sky came in and straight upto Niall, sat him down and started fixing his hair. He must have told her he needed her, I will never get used to how they don't need a phone to talk. We was all talking between us when Liam came in

Liam: Sky aren't you meant to be getting ready

Sky: I am ready

Liam: what your going in that

Louis: why what's wrong with it, Sky already said she's not looking to pull

Liam: she looks a mess

Sky's face dropped and then she never said anything she finished Niall's hair and went stomping out the door and back to hers. Everyone turned to Liam and give him to dirtiest look ever, Niall looked as if he was gunna swing for him.

Harry: Liam what's wrong with you

Liam: what I only told the truth

Zayn: no your being Liam again always pulling Sky down

Liam: so

Me: why do you do it to her Liam

Liam: bc I can

Niall: is it bc you secretly have a crush on her

Liam never said anything he just looked at the floor

Zayn: YOU DO


And with that Liam walked out of the room and stomped down stairs leaving us to get ready, we was all in shocked. We think Liam has a crush on Sky it was weird how he looked at her always pulled her down and when she stomped off it looked like he was gunna follow her he looked hurt.

Zayn's Pov

OMG I look amazing I is very sexy, I loved looking in the mirror had to make sure I looked right for my girl Chloe. Can't wait to see how beautiful she looks she gunna be stunning

Short and crap but hope ya like it <3 - Sky xxxx

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