Chapter 2

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Tihana's POV
We headed to the party wich I assumed was a frat party. We were walking down the path. Around us were trees and lots of flowers. Well no wonder it's spring after all. Kolio started to sing quietly and after few moments we all joined in and we were literally singing all the way. That rly cheared me up. Especally when Greg hugged me with his hands around my waist and whispered me. „I love you." I mean what girl doesn't like cute little things.

We entered party and found Stacie and Rita. They greeted boys and pulled me away from Greg. „Hey where are you pulling me?" I asked laughing. „This is a girls night!" Stacie said...well more like sang. „Okay.." I said. They brought me in yard on some chairs. We had beers and we talked. „What's up T? You seem a little bit down." Rita said. „Well..It's nothing realy." I said. „Comon we are here to cheer you up but first you have to tell us what's bothering you." Stacie protested. I looked around the yard. It was way to beautiful for frat yard. It looked like richmans yard. You know the one with fountains, pool, flowers, little paths, beautiful green grass and stuff. I sighed. „ Do you guys know how to keep a secret?" I asked. They nodded in response. „Well I'm actually worried about wedding and stuff." They looked at me confused. I explaind them my problem. „ should know Greg loves you more than his life. He isn't able to left you trust me. Steven said this to me and after all he is his best friend. And the thing with your mom...well that's crap but you don't have to marry young. I'm sure Greg can wait for you to finish collage." Rita said. „Yeah nobody said you have to marry like now." Stacie agreed. „Guys...I love you and thank you." I said hugging them both.

„Comon you don't have to thank us for every help. It's not like you don't help us either." Stacie said and smiled. We talked all night about girl stuff. When we decided it's late we went in house to find boys. I found Greg chatting wih one girl. „Hey honey." I said ad hugged him. „Who is this?" I asked. „This is my sister-Lily." He said and smiled. „Oh hi it's nice to meet Greg's family." I said and shaked her hand. „Oh yeah it's defenetly nice to meet you. Greg just won't shut up about you. Especially since you two are engagend." She said. Greg blushed and turned his head away and I just smiled. „Greg we have to go now." I said. „Okay my love let's go." He said.

Can you love me? Part 2Where stories live. Discover now