Chapter 2

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Jena was hot when she woke up. She didn't bother to open her eyes.

"Mom, turn the heat down!" she said. When it didn't get any colder, she got up. She was so suprised when she found where she was. "Am I dreaming? Or am I really in Minecraft?!" she asked herself. She saw a tree. "Ok, lets see if this works!" She punched the tree.

"My hand!! That hurt!! It was suposed to MINE it!!" She yelled. Something I should mention is that Jena talked to herself sometimes.

"I should text Jenn about this!" She said exitedly. But, of course, she didn't have it.

"Must have left it at the computer again." She told herself. Like anyone else would do, she started to explore. It wasn't long before she found Jenn. 

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