Society Killed the Teenager

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Society killed the teenager

They told her she had to be thin

She didn't eat and starved herself

In hopes she just could win

Society killed the teenager

When they found out she didn't eat

They whispered behind her back

And called her an anorexic freak

Society killed the teenager

Told her she had to look good

She caked on makeup, fried her hair

And did everything she could

Society killed the teenager

They called her a whore

But she did what they said

So she didn't know what for

Society killed the teenager

Just because she was smart

They called her a nerd

She stopped so she could get a new start

Society killed the teenager

They said she was dumb

She was so confused

She had been beginning to think she won

Society killed the teenager

All the mean words spoken

Have left this

Innocent girl broken

Society killed the teenager

She saw her reflection and cried

She just didn't get it

She had really tried

Society killed the teenager

She wanted to relieve the pain

She cut 'til she bled

They had gotten into her brain

Society killed the teenager

They said she only wanted attention

Society could have stopped it

Could have caused and intervention

Society killed the teenager

To fit in was all she wanted

She tried so hard

But now she's lost it

Society killed the teenager

The whole time they were there

They sat and watched

Yet they didn't care

Society killed the teenager

She was finally done

The note she left beside her body read

'Congrats society. You've won.'

Society killed the teenager

They were the culprit of this murder

She had cried for help

But the pretended they hadn't heard her

Society killed the teenager

They pretended not to know

They said things like, how beautiful she was

And how they loved her so

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