Chapter Twentyfive.

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Around 6PM.

Somebody knocks on my door, and Hayley obediently walks over there. Between coughing, I manage to get out a suffocated 'come in'. Mom peaks her head inside, and I can't help but roll my eyes - even though I didn't consciously do it.

She gets a quilty look on her face, as she comes over to me. When she sits down on the edge of my bed, I just give her an irritated look and turn away. Hayley jumps up into the bed and lies down next to me.

Mom places the plate of food on the bedside table, and I can hear that she's about to say something, but that she regrets herself and remains quiet. When I still don't turn back to her, she gets up on her feet and leave the room.

Sitting up straight, I take the plate of food in my right hand and the fork in my other. It's pita with salad and diced pieces of meat. I start eating, but as soon as I take my first bite, I burn myself on my tongue and immediately reach for the glass of coke.

A few minutes later.

I put the plate on the bedside table and drink the last of the coke. Chase enters my room, almost as if he was a vampire and heard when I put the plate down, haha, and takes everything downstairs to put it in the dishwasher.

Incredibly full, I lean my back against the headboard and take my phone in my hand. Scrolling through twitter, I find myself getting bored really fast.

That's one of the worst things about being sick. The most bad thing is the actual being sick part. But it also sucks because you never have the energy to do anything - you're just dead! Now I can't take Hayley for a walk, even though I'd love to get some fresh air.

Shaking my head at my patheticness (I know that's not a word), and take the stereo controller again. But when I start the iPod, I find myself just zapping through the different songs, not really wanting to listent to anything.

Then I come to a very special thing that I downloaded. It's Niall's solo in Little Things. For ten minutes. I smile sweetly to myself, but only realize how much I actually miss him, and switch to the next song... Again.

Letting out a suffocated squeal of frustration, I turn the stereo (and iPod) off, and put the controller on the bedside table. Then I remember that I have Niall's phone number, and he will most likely make me in a better mood.

To: Niall Horan

From: Kayla Benson

I'm so bored.. And sick. Make me in a better mood? :3

To: Kayla Benson

From: Niall Horan

What sickness have ya got ?:o Uh , do you want me to tell jokes or..? haha


To: Niall Horan

From: Kayla Benson

I have a cold and a fever, and I've vomited a few times. NOTHING SERIOUS, I promise. No need to worry:) Or you could just talk to me - I'm already in a better mood.. :3

To: Kayla Benson

From: Niall Horan

U sure? Well.. i have some lame jokes if you'd like haha :)


To: Niall Horan

From: Kayla Benson

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