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"L-look, it's on this media-chat-social-thing." Scout quickly went to the block-like computer.

Scout made a quick gesture with a thumb swiping over the side of his nose, notifying Spy to do the hacking on the other team's internet names.

Paulie, with fists clenched and practically white at the knuckles, followed the Bostonian speedster towards the computer.

"This is what they were posting..." Scout said as he logged in, only to see a lot of posts by the other team already posting like crazy. "Hey, Spook, calm down on all the shitposts, okay?!"

Paulie shot her glare at the womanizing sneak, ready to snap his head off at will.

"I have never hacked zhem yet!" Spy said in defense. "Look! I am still at zhe log-in screen!"

Paulie looked back at the computer Scout is at, reading every post made.

Faster than U: Dead girls can't say no!

iSapthat: Faster than U have got that right!

Hurt is better than Heal: I agree!

Starsandstripesbeathammerandsickle: why would they let a woman into this war?! Women are to please us, not hold up a gun!!

LongRangeKill: I can't wait to put a bullet to the Sheila's head! She is a f**king embarrassment even to the RED!

Paulie was getting angrier and angrier every second, going back to the arsenal room to pick out better weapons than what she was currently holding.

"Uh, Scavy...?" Scout peered into the room.

Without word, Paulie came storming back out in a Pyro suit.

Pyro scurried behind Engineer, as Paulie menacingly laughed with a flamethrower and an ax by her side.

"Youh liff!" Paulie said to Spy, shoving him aside. "Phor now!"

Paulie stormed towards the front line, flamethrower ready as she waited for the Announcer to have their mission commense.


Paulie took her time to return to the base, annihilating any of the other team if they ever intervined her course to bring the Intelligence to the RED base.

Her teammates made sure her return have been a lot easier than any other battles.

"Victory to the RED!" The Announcer said in triumph.

The rest of the RED cheered in delight as Paulie placed the Intelligence on the table.

"Hey, Scavy?" Sniper cautiously checked on her, carefully placing a hand on her shoulder, only to take his hand back after she collapsed to the floor. "Scavy!"

Behind the Pyro mask, it was hard to tell what behavior she was experiencing. Medic quickly came to her aid, tearing off the mask as Paulie was doubled over in pain.


"Take some of zhis, it vill help with zhe cramps." Medic took out two acetaminophen tablets and held it up to Paulie's mouth as he held her up.

Paulie took them without question, needing one part of the pain to be gone. But the pain she was going through, it was much more harsh than her uterus seemingly caving in on itself. She couldn't forget what the other team posted, so it was tearing her apart.

"I need to use the bathroom." Paulie said as she made her way out.

As she was out, Miss Pauling called, and taking care of some of the survivors that the rest of the team forgot to thoroughly finish off.

"I've seen the posts." Miss Pauling said after snapping the neck of the worker.

"It was from the BLU." Scout looked in the direction Paulie left through. "We think it's those posts that's hurting her."

"Well, at least we know she is a human." Miss Pauling optimistically stated, trying to lighten up the conversation.

"Yeah..." Scout trialed off in thought. "Hey, Pauling, think you can talk to her? Not because you're a woman--but because none of us understands what women go through during that time of month... and I don't know if I should even talk to her, having gone through dealing with things like this with my Ma."

"I see." Pauling finished off the last of the workers. "All right, see you all in a few."

Pauling then disconnected after putting on her helemet.


Paulie made her way to the mess hall, head hung low and in thought.

"Hey, Scavenger." Miss Pauling walked up to her side. "Still feeling down?"

Paulie shrugged, taking her dinner and making her way to her usual spot. Pauling looked at her in concern, thinking of what else to say to her.

"I have seen all the posts." Pauling blurted out after having nothing else to say. "And Scout spilled the beans."

Paulie looked at her with the same depressed face, then looking back at her dinner and slowly nodding.

"Would you like to talk about it?" Pauling cautiously asked, knowing Paulie was much stronger than her with much harder training and could easily snap her neck if a wrong move was made.

"I can't let this bother me." Paulie deeply inhaled, sitting up with an act of optimism.

"I can see that you're still upset about those posts." Pauling bluntly stated.

"No, really, I have dealt with a lot worse." Paulie added a smile, shoving a spoonful of her dinner into her mouth. "I almost ended up at a morgue back where I came from. This is just like a splinter."

"But splinters need to be taken out." Pauling stated. "Just like you need to take this, thing, that's been bothering you out."

Paulie knew Pauling was right, pausing after swallowing her food.

"you're right..." Paulie admitted.
The rest of the evening, Paulie told her whole back story about being bullied and verbally abused. Occasionally laughing as Paulie said she took care of those problems, in a grotesque and sadistic way.

Paulie eventually have gotten better, and reconnected with her team. Paulie was working her way back to being friends with those of her team who have feared her, and laughing everything off. Everything went back to the way it was, everyone promising respect even after she was through with the rest of the week.

"See, Scavenger?" Pauling smiled at Paulie. "Having to deal with your problems will make everything not as bad as it all seems."

"Yeah, you're not as monstrous as you think you are." Scout adds.

Paulie was concerned, thinking back when she was torturing someone to no end.

"Yeah." Paulie finally said. "Let's just turn in for the night, the battle today really took up most of my energy."

Everyone agreed in unision, getting up and filing out of the lounge to their quarters.

After everyone left, Paulie remained where she sat, in disbelief as she realized what a great team the others are, even if they went in so many directions.

Paulie knew what such sadists they are, which made it easy for them to relate to her torturing stories, but then shook her head and stood up to go to her room.

A/N: whew! What a way to end this story, right? If only I could have thought of a better ending, but I just had to end it like this. Real cheesy, is it not? Well, nearly every story does not really have to end with a bang... I hope you enjoyed this two-part one-shot... even if they are pretty long... but I had to try get rid of my writer's block. ANYWAYS, have a good evening/morning!
~Goldine Yup'ik (≧▽≦)/~┴┴

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