The Accident

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Fang's POV:


"Max please don't go it can wait until tomorrow. It's storming out." I cooned.

"Fang we don't have food. You wanna die of starvation fine with me."

"Fine but take the car."She nodded.

The flock has been living in an abandoned summer house. And currently it is raining with the power of Zues and to be honest I don't want her out there.

Time jump:

I woke up to the phone buzzing. Everyone was asleep so I answered it. To my surprise it wasn't the sweet voice of my Max it was a voice of an old man.

"Is this the Ride household?"

"Yes it is." I said with worry in my voice. If this had anything to do with Max being injured I will lose it.

"Maximum Ride has been in a serious car accident. We will need you and your family to come immeadiatly to the Saint Helen's Hospital."

I dropped the phone. I broke down on the spot. Crying and whezzing I woke up the flock to get to the hospital as soon as I could.

End of Flashback.

The flock has been waiteing almost 4 hours to see if Max was okay. Angel was on my lap sleeping like a... well an angel. Gazzy was sleeping on Ig's shoulder and Nudge dozed of on Ig's other shoulder. And ig well he was out cold 3 hours ago.

Me on the other hand, I was wide awake. I couldn't stop thinking about how bad she must look. Hooked up to IV's and bruised and bloody and worst of all unconscious. I prayed to God she would live just one more day just so I could tell her....

My thoughts were interrupted by two nurses asking if we were the Ride family. I nodded. The one on the right told me to follow her. So with Angel in my arms I followed her to Max's room. I was right about how bad she looked, but I was wrong about the unconscious part. She was wide awake. I set Ange down in one of the cushioned chairs and ran to kiss her. That was when I realized she wasn't kissing me back she was actually trying to push me away. I slowly backed away and looked into her fear filled eyes. Then she said something I think will always haunt my memories.

'Who are you?"

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