Chapter 25

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The next day, Troye was a complete mess. He had gotten no sleep because he was either crying or thinking about Connor.

His eyes were baggy, his hair was a mess, and he was wearing the same clothes as yesterday. As he walked into the studio, he was greeted by Zoe and Alfie sitting in front of the booth.

"what the hell happened to you?" Alfie asked as soon as Troye walked in, earning a glare and a slap from Zoe.

"Boys" Troye mumbled under his breath, throwing his bag on the ground and sitting on the couch.

"Oh no" Zoe gasp, wiggling out of Alfies grasp to sit next to Troye. "What happened with Connor?" even though Zoe and Troye weren't close, he was glad he had someone to talk to and vent out his feelings to. Then it hit Troye that Connor was going to have to deal with this alone – he had nobody.

"Yesterday was our One Month anniversary, so like I got his this camera..." Troye went on to explain the entire story to Zoe, adding as much detail as possible. Everything from when Connor first arrived to when he left. And the more and more he relayed the information, the more and more he realized how stupid he was.

After explaining the story, Zoe just sat there looking at Troye in shock. "Oh Troye..." she started, placing a hand on Troye's knee. "Don't you think you over reacted a bit much?"

"Well. I don't know, did i?" Troye raised his eyebrows, curious as to what Zoes explanation is.

"well for starters, it's only your one month anniversary, dear. The one month is not a big deal at all. Now, if it were your 6 month or one year anniversary, that's understandable." Zoe explained. "Listen, your one month anniversary isn't worth breaking up over."

"but he didn't even remember where we first met" Troye explained to Zoe, hoping to get a little sympathy.

"Yes but do you know how many people he sees in a day? Not to mention he got fired from that café, so he's probably trying to block out as many memories as possible. Troye, you cannot blame Connor for all of this when it was mostly your fault." Troye was feeling many emotions. Shocked that Zoe was saying this, but also guilt because he knew damn well that Zoe was right.

"I don't know... I feel like I'm putting more into this relationship than he is" Troye admitted. "I mean, I remembered out one month, I got him a camera, I don't know..." He trailed off, taking a deep breath as he vented his feelings.

"Troye" Zoe stated firmly "that's not fair. You know damn well that Connor can't afford to give you anything but his trust and love. And that's exactly what he's giving you." And right before Troye could speak again, the door swung open, revealing a messy hair, tired, sleep-deprived Connor.

"Alfie I hav-" he paused once he saw Troye sitting next to Zoe. "You know what, I'll come back later" Connor quickly turned on his heels and marched out the door, avoiding all eye contact with Troye.

"Run after him" Zoe advised, pushing Troye off the couch. "Tell him you screwed up. Go!" Troye nodded and quickly ran out of the studio and down the hall, chasing Connor. Once he finally caught up to him, he placed his hand on Connors shoulder, only for it to be shrugged off.

"Connor please" Troye begged, trying to stop Connor. "Let me talk to you"

"No" Connor mumbled "You've already taken away the best thing I've ever had, what more could you want?"

"I want to apologize" Troye explained, catching Connors attention as he finally stopped walking. "I was an over dramatic Drama queen for freaking out over the One Month anniversary, Connor. I was stupid enough to not realize that the One Month anniversary literally means nothing. It's not worth losing the best thing I've ever gained" Troye pleaded for Connor's forgiveness "I'm sorry"

"We're past the point of sorry" Connor sighed. "Maybe if you realized this earlier, I would forgive you, but you had to talk to someone in order to realize how stupid your argument was. You yelled at me, Troye. You emotionally hurt me and made me cry all because you were being stupid"

Troyes heart dropped because he knew Connor was right. He had hurt Connor because of Troye's stupid mistake.

"Let me say this though," Connor began "I am sorry for being selfish and not remembering that we first met in the café, that was stupid of me. And I'm sorry for not remembering that it was our one month anniversary, It should've been a given" Connor sighed. "But you made such a big deal about it that you broke us up, so maybe I'm not the one not ready for a relationship, maybe you aren't. You're taking it way to seriously. I understand if it were a 6 month, but really Troye?"

Troye nodded, he knew Connor was right he regretted ever making it such a big deal. "please forgive me. Take me back" he whispered, hoping Connor would.

"I appreciate you apologizing, that's why I apologized back. I can forgive you, but I don't think you're ready to be dating somebody if you're going to take it this seriously." Connor sighed, "I'll be okay." and before Troye could say anything else, Connor walked away leaving Troye with nothing but a broken heart and his thoughts.

He fucked up big time, and he admitted that. He also doesn't blame Connor for not taking him back, considering he was being an idiot. He had left Connor with nobody, and he doesn't think he'll ever forgive himself for that.

As Troye walked back in the studio, he shook his head at Alfie and Zoe, signaling that things did not go as planned. All he got was a sympathetic smile in return. "Everything happens for a reason" Troye whispered to himself, smiling at the memory of the first time he spoke those words to Connor. And perhaps that reason has yet to come.




So my birthday is on Saturday- so don't be expecting any updates on saturday xx

Love you lovies xx


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