"On your schedule is your locker code", Principal Celestia said. "Now. I'll show you to your first class".

I take out my schedule and hand it to her. Principal Celestia looked at it and smiled.

"Ah English with Ms.Cheerilee. She's very nice".

That's what they all say. Once I had "nice" teacher. She gave me an F on a test because I sneezed. Yeah. Not so nice.

She led us down the huge hallways.

"I'm gunna get lost in this school", I mumble.

"Don't worry. On the back of your schedule are instructions on how to get to each class to the next".

I look at the principal. How did she hear me??.

"Here we are. I'll go get her".

Principal Celestia opened the classroom door and walked in. Peeking in I looked around. I saw other students sitting at their desks. The teacher was at the front. She smiled when she principal Celestia. The two talked and then came towards the door.

"This is Rainbow Dash".

I waved at her. Ms.Cheerliee had very curly hair. But she did seem like a nice lady. I think I might like her. I hope.

She smiled at me.

"It's nice to meet you", she said.

"This is her uncle. Rainbow lives with him".

Then the whole thing started over. They explained my story to her. Just to make sure she didn't address the topic too much when we had to learn about it. I hated talking about it.

"Oh my gosh. I am so sorry", she said.

What surprised me was the hand on my arm. It came off as soon as it came on.

"Well. If you ever have a problem with one of the other students come find one of us", Ms.Cheerliee said.

"Some students here tend to cause problems but I know alot of really kind and friendly kids who would never laid a hand on anyone".

That made me feel a little better. I hope I met the nice kids before the bad ones. I nod.


"Well. I think you should head inside for class", Principal Celestia suggested.

I look up at her, eyes wide. She did not just say that. She had a smile on her face.

I look at Uncle Strike.

"You're leaving me??".

I felt my anxiety rise up. Uncle Strike nodded.

"Yeah. I gotta".

I shake my head. "Nonono. Don't go".

He smiled at me.

"It'll be alright RD".

RD was a nickname he had for me since I was small. Only he was allowed to call me that.

"If you need me just call me and I'll come pick you up".

I bit my lip. She clung on to him, hugging him.

"Don't go".

He couldn't leave. I'd be eaten alive out here. He hugged me back, rubbing my back.

"It'll be just fine Rainbow. I promise you I'll be here to pick you up at the end of the day. Okay??".

I look at him. I nodded. "Okay".

He kissed my head. Something he did to calm me down.

"That's my brave soldier girl".

I smiled. "She can smile", He joked.
I smile at the three adults around me.
He began to walk away, waving. I waved back. He walked down the hall and out of sight.

"You don't have anything to be afraid of", Principal Celestia said.

Looking at her I saw her smiling. I bit my lip, my hands played with my backpack strap. I look back into the classroom. Finally I nod.

"I won't introduce you if you dont want me to", Ms.Cheerilee said.

I shook my head. "No".

She smiled. "Whatever makes you comfortable. I think the students will figure it out themselves".

She opened the door. She walked in. I followed her. As soon as we walked in everybody looked right at us. I felt my breathing stop.

I look at Ms.Cheerliee. She smiled at me and whispered, "you can sit in the back. I'll be there in a while".

Nodding I look around. I head down to the back seat and sat down. I look at my hands, which were shaking. I felt completely and utterly terrified right now. I didn't want to look at or speak to anyone.

"So. You're new??".

Oh god. Someone........was talking.....to me.

Learning to trust Again (An Appledash fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now