Trying to Forget (2)

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***Flashback 4 years*** (May is 14 years old)

May's POV

As she sits in front of the open window, the rain flows down letting the cold wet air hit her body. She loves it when it rains like this. The thunder and lighting doesn't really bother her. She likes the way it looks in the sky. She lays back on the lush carpet and pretends that she's outside. Laying in the grass while the rain falls down on her. Closing her eyes, it feels so real. The wind blows in that fresh smell of rain and she sniffs it all in. The cold air puts goosebumps all over her body. "I love the rain" she mumbles to herself. She remembers that she still has birthday cake from last week. Just turning 16, she didn't have a huge sweet 16 party, she just bought herself a cake and a few balloons that should later pop and inhale for some the weird voice. She stands up, shuts the door, and picks up a piece of cake, a knife, and a fork. Sometimes she liked to pretend to be super fancy and cut the cake with one hand and use the fork in the other.

May: (Sits cake on nightstand and opens up a window)...(Hears something in the front room).. Hello?

She starts slowly walking towards her bedroom door, as she cracks it she starts to laugh at herself.

May: (laughs) I'm losing my mind... (sits on bed and eats a little frosting off the top of the cake) mm..

She hears the front door move, then she remembers that she didn't lock the door. She slowly gets out of the bed and again approaches the bedroom door. Then a man flies the door open, hitting her mouth with the door while it slings open. As she lays on the floor, he hovers over here and analyzes her body. She looks up and can't tell who he is, but his face is familiar.

May: (Wipes blood off her lip) Get out of my house.

Man: (Stares at her) shut up and get on the bed..

May: No.

Man: Excuse me?

May: I said ...

She gets cut off my a hard kick into her side. The air from her lungs escape in a loud grunt. The pain quickly spread all over her body and made her unable to move. He kicks her again in the same spot and tears flow from her face while she finds it extremely hard to inhale any oxygen.

He picks her up and throws her on the bed. She turns to her side and mumbles, "please stop". He pulls her shoulder to lay her on her back and he continues to stare while tears flow. She repeats "please stop" over and over again while he strips her and himself of their clothes. Ripping her clothes off violently, she tries to stop him and he punches her hard in side where he kicked. In this pain, May could not gather the strength to fight back anymore.

He slowly climbs on top of her and she spots the knife on the night stand. As he kisses her neck, she tries to reach for the knife. Her hands shake violently and it seems close to impossible to even get a grip. She finally gets a hold of the knife just to see him staring down at her.

He yanks the knife out of her hand and slashes her face. She screams in pain while a huge gash in her cheek almost makes unconscious. As he opens her legs, she repeats "please stop"..

It was very dark in the room, but the light from the lighting gives her quick seconds where she can look at his face. The thunder drowns out her cries as he slowly slides himself inside of her. In a blur, she thinks she saw him hit the floor.

Too weak to look, she just lays there while it seems to be another man in the room with a iron pan. A moment later, she feels her body being lifted off of the bed and carried outside of the house. In the car, she becomes unconscious.

(to be continued...)

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