"just wait for the right person!"

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2 ~ "just wait for the right guy/girl to come along! then you'll want to have sex!"

hey, guess what being an asexual means

no desire for sex

and most likely, nobody is gonna change that

I don't want Prince/Princess Fancypants to come along and screw me

I want to live a successful independent life without sex

if someone does come along and you fall in love but you still don't want to do the do, hey man that's still ace. Aces can fall in love but still not wanna spend time in the bedroom. unless you're Aromantic as well, then you just don't want to have a romantic relationship with anyone at all.

Now if you decide you do want to have little mini Prince/Princess Fancypants's running around, chances are you were mistaken and were Demisexual instead. (needing a friendship or other bond before having sex with someone)

but really, don't tell me to wait for the right person. I'd much rather wait until the microwave finishes cooking my Easy Mac, thanks.

- Berri

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