"One night, I was walking to her dorm, determined to apologize for upsetting her even though I hadn't done anything really. I had flowers in my hand, and I was preparing my words to lure her back to me. It might not surprise you, but I was utterly and completely shocked to see her snogging some bloke outside of her room."

"I didn't know what to think, I was paralyzed in place. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me—this couldn't be Angela—but I'd recognize her face anywhere. You'd think she pulled away and scrambled for an apology, but no, she locked her eyes with mine, and the challenge was so obvious in her eyes. I turned around, and walked away."

"It was over then?" Lola asked, her voice a little sleepy.

"I wish it was," I mumbled, closing my eyes momentary. "But the worst was yet to come. I spent a week away from her after this, and was more hurt and angry that she never approached me, at least to form a fake apology. Any sort of it at all. But then she knocked on my door one night, her eyes swollen and red with tears and she threw herself in my arms, chanting apologies of all sort."

"Her tears weren't even real, I realize this now. But back then I was passionate about her, and I forgave her instantly. Things were normal for a bit and then she bounced back to her nature. Only I didn't catch her kissing someone, she was fully cheating this time."

"Ouch," Lola winced sympathetically. "Man, that girl is unbelievable."

I nodded in agreement, taking a deep breath. "By the end of my sophomore year, I was drained, and I was one step away from being sent to a madhouse. The rest of the year went in the same pattern—cheat, apologize, fight, and make up—until I had the courage to call it off once and for all. She acted all hurt about it but I was used to this bullshit by then and didn't look back."

"I haven't seen her after graduation, and the rest of my college life was spent casually. I saw girls, but I never allowed anyone to get to me like her."

"I'm sorry," she murmured, looking up at me with wide eyes. "You must hate when I act like her."

I shook my head. "You do nothing like her. I thought about this, but then I realized you were nothing like her. You're stubborn, pain in the ass girl but you're not a cold man eater like Angela. There's no comparison in the first place."

She kissed me again, and I kissed her back firmly, trying to show her with actions what I couldn't yet say with words. I liked her, maybe too much and maybe not enough, and I cared about her more than words could describe, but I wasn't sure of the depth of my feelings.

Lola was ravenous, kissing me with emotion behind her actions that I couldn't define, but didn't need to. Things changed and it wasn't just sex anymore. What it was exactly wasn't describable, but sweet.

She had stopped trying to make me jealous, stopped making me lose my mind with her hotheaded side and I stopped thinking about anyone but her.


"Do you think Charlotte is back?" She asks contently, taking the hem of my shirt in her hands and tugs it over my head.

"I have no idea," I kiss her neck, biting the skin lightly. "She's probably with Olivia and my father."

She scrunches her nose. "Why do you call him father? Why not call him dad or old pal or anything?"

"No reason, really, I'm just not used to call him anything but father. Sometimes I call him dad but not much." She cups me through my jeans and I chuckle, sucking a mark on her neck.

"You're insatiable, Cherry."

"Oh my god," she laughed delightfully, squeezing me firmer. "You haven't called me that in a while."

"I haven't, have I?" I nodded, unbuttoning her shirt. "I miss the days we played with blindfolds and clamps. Maybe I should tie you up this time."

She shuddered visibly, unbuttoning my jeans and creeping her hand under my boxers, cupping me skin to skin.

"Why can't I tie you up?" She whined sweetly, pinching the foreskin that I flinched in surprise.

"My ego wouldn't allow you to do such thing," I laughed, picking her up and tossing her over my shoulder. She shrieked, protesting like always. "Hush now, Cherry, it's time to remind you of how things work between us."

She smacked my ass and growled, and I reciprocated, only I pinched the tight flesh of her ass as well. She squealed and swung her legs, screaming at me to let her down.

Not happening, Cherry. Not happening.


I'll have to decide whether to make the next chapter smutty...or not. Until then, enjoy reading. 

I wanted this chapter to be about Louis's previous life, but I'm not sure it came out as interesting as I wanted it to be :/ Oh well

Bye doves xo

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