Part 1: Grave and Cosmos

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Long ago, before time immemorial, there was nothing; no planets, no stars, no sun, no moon, absolutely nothing. Nothing, but the Cosmos. The vast and infinite darkness which surrounds us, only seen at night. Cosmos, an entity of complete darkness, serves only one purpose; to create nothingness, to bring the universe back to complete black whenever any discrepancy emerged.

From within the Cosmos, seemingly out of nowhere and with no explanation, light would emerge. A single spark, from within the Cosmos, would reveal itself, and shine as bright as it could before the Cosmos inevitably engulfed it with it's vast and crushing darkness. Some lights would last a few seconds, others, a few years, the lucky ones would last centuries, or even millennia. Regardless, the Cosmos would swallow them whole eventually. Until a light emerged that would not succumb to the darkness so easily. This light, just like every other light, was alive, and this one, had enough power to fight back the Cosmos itself. This light called itself Grave, and this light, would be known, as the first Almighty.

Grave, just as formless, infinite, and absolute as the Cosmos, opposed the never ending darkness, with never ending light. Grave matched the Cosmos equally, and faced it in a battle for control over the universe itself, over reality itself, over existence itself. Over and over again, in a series of flashes,  the universe would change between complete blackness, and complete light. The two infinite forces, spiraled around one another, fuming and ebbing as they collided. 

Eventually, Cosmos was the victor.

Cosmos captured Grave, and crushed Grave into a single point of light. Grave lost the battle. Gathering every fragment of light in the entire universe into itself was still not enough to defeat the Cosmos. Even as Grave's life reached it's end, it refused to give up. Grave gathered all of it's remaining strength and exploded into countless branches of light. The branches stretched to reach the entire universe, each branch tipping with another light, a new light; a light born of Grave, Grave's children. Each of Grave's children, just as formless and all powerful as their father, harbored a light of a different shade and different color. Some were red, blue, yellow, grey, or purple; any color and any shade you could think of was birthed from Grave's branches.

Cosmos quickly began to crush and engulf all of the weaker children. Some children's lifespan only lasting a few seconds. Some of the stronger children ran frantically for dear life. Those children ran forever, deeper into the unescapable darkness of the Cosmos. Others stood and fought back the Cosmos with all of their power; shining their rainbow colored lights as strongly as they possibly could, but none of Grave's children were strong enough to fight back the Cosmos for long. 

Out of nowhere, to the ears of every one of Grave's children, a strong, godly voice speaks.

"My children, my Almighty Children, have no fear. Calm yourselves. Everything will be alright. I am Grave, your father. As my life ends, I have but two wishes for all of you, my Almighty Children. Fight back the Cosmos that surrounds you. You, my Almighty Children, have the power to decide your own fates. Do not allow the Cosmos to decide it for you. For those of you who are not strong enough to fight the Cosmos, live the life I could not. Find your desire, seek out your dreams. Create a world of life and happiness."

"Now go, my Almighty Children, go, and do not allow your light to fade."

As Grave speaks his last words to his children, the remainder of his own light, finally, completely, fades into the Cosmos. All of Grave's children, saddened and destroyed by the death of their own creator, having nothing to remember their father by but his kind last words, weep. They weep sparkles of light, so full of raw emotion and sadness, that they pierce the very Cosmos itself. 

These sparkles of light remain within the Cosmos to this very day. What we know as stars, were the tears of Grave's children, forever implanted within the infinite Cosmos, as a permanent scar of the pain which it caused these poor innocent children.

Sadness quickly turns to anger, pain, revenge. Some children resume their fight against the Cosmos, with more resolve and purpose than before. Some of these children still continue their fight, fueled by nothing but the last words of their father, wanting nothing but to live out their father's first wish. For the rest of the children, they scattered and wandered within the Cosmos, searching to answer their father's second wish; a world of life and happiness.

A small group of Grave's children, have yet to move an inch. They are all in deep, deep thought, searching for an answer to Grave's second wish.

These children will become known as the Almighty Creators, and will shape the future of the Cosmic universe.

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