Love Wins

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// This is About Same Sex Marriage //

Pro Same Sex Marriage
By: Valerie Barnard

You don't think it's swell...
You don't think it's clever...
To let gay marriage appeal
When you wished it'd be never!?

You want everyone to be happy?
Just like you?
But wouldn't they be sad
If their love wasn't a virtue?

All because you placed your opinions into a volt.
An denied theirs..
When you should of been the one put to a holt.

You think everyone should be straight!?
Think again;
Because that's not everyone's fate.

You stick to your beliefs;
They'll stick to theirs.
As more people will be happier,
With the decrease of affairs.

Your love is accepted;
Theirs should be too!
They would of wanted the same...
If it was you!

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